Every era longs for the development of philosophy, but compared with the natural science, philosophy has always been teetering. Now nobody surprises, it seems that philosophy should be like this. The Taiji Evolutionism is a new system that will completely change the status of philosophy and basic social science and answer a series of problems that have long plagued humanity. The Post- modernism only belongs to the 20th century, the Taiji Evolutionism is the philosophy of the 21st century.
The Taiji Evolutionism includes methodology, world view, and philosophy. We often say that we must change our concepts. Many important concepts in social life come from methodology, world view and philosophy. Methodology includes mathematics, geometry, system theory and logic. The methodology of Taiji Evolutionism only studies the System Theory of Structuralism and Dialectical Logic. These two parts are the weaknesses of current methodology. The System Theory of Structuralism takes structure and feedback as the core concepts and serves as the key to solving many systemic problems, world view issues, and philosophical issues. Marxist dialectics has made everyone dizzy and the dialectical logic seems difficult. It is actually a layer of paper, which is easy to get through.
The world view of Taiji Evolutionism includes Life Philosophy of Survivalism, General Evolutionary History Outlook, Futurology of Universim and Theory of Social Organization. This world view together with The System Theory of Structuralism constitutes a relatively sophis- ticated theory of complex systems. Among them, The General Evolutionary History Outlook can be called the historical philosophy, and it and The Life Philosophy of Survivalism belong to specific philosophy or applied philosophy. The essence of life is the survival of complex structures, and the self-replication of biological complex structures is the key to discover the mystery of life. If we want to answer these questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where do we go? Then we need to resort to general evolutionary theory. The General Evolutionary History Outlook has pioneered the evolutionary model of complex systems. It is believed that the inheritance of cultural genes is the key to the progress of civilization, and there are many similar laws to the inheritance of biological genes. The General Evolutionary History Outlook also proposes four new principles of natural selection, solves the mystery of human origin and believes that humans are the animals who mainly depends on the inheritance of acquired character. The evolution of the world is divided into four phases: the non-biological evolutionary stage, the biological evolutionary stage, the human society evolutionary stage and the artificial intelligence evolutionary stage. The Futurology of Cosmism mainly studies the relationship between AI evolution and human evolution, and how to treat the possibility that robots can extinct human being. The Futurology of Cosmism is both the foundation of the