What is Taiji Evolutionism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-04 | 6070 次浏览 | 分享到:

Another consistent concept is survival. The essence of biology is the survival of complex systems. Survival is the result of replication. The nature of human civilization is also the survival of complex systems. All evolution is survival. We cannot choose whether we should be born or not. Survival is helplessness. Evolution is also helplessness. Evolution is the result of surviving and not the result of subject selection. This helplessness is objective necessity. This objective necessity determines the most basic principles of Meta-ethics: individualism, humanism, and evolutionism. These principles are not only the foundation of Meta-ethics and all other ethics, but also the standard of truth and the fundamental starting point and destination of all philosophy and science. The future world will be dominated by AI. This is the inevitable result of evolution. It is beyond our control. Because evolution is the result of surviving. If we do not choose to evolve, civilization is likely to perish.

The Taiji Evolutionism has criticized many existing theories, such as: the current philosophical system is not scientific, information is not a scientific concept, and the second theorem of thermodynamics will not lead to the death of the universe, rehabilitate reductionism, judgment of various existing definitions of life, criticize the Terranism, unveil the realness and goodness, oppose extreme liberalism and extreme collectivism, criticize existing standards of justice, reform empiricism and traditional pragmatism, reshaped the standard of truth, oppose phenomenology, mechanical materialism and objective idealism, point out the nature of dialectical materialism, and so on.

The Taiji Evolutionism has four pursuits in writing. First, take count of heaven and ground. Ontology is heaven, system theory is ground; evolutionism is heaven; indivi- dualism is ground. This book occupies the height of ontology, and takes the basic concept of system theory as the main line. In the values, we will unify social progress and personal interests.

Second, it is comprehensive and profound. Covering key areas of philosophy, reconstructing the philosophical system, through the broad perspective of general evolution to solve the most difficult methodo- logical, world view and philosophical problems.

Third, explain the profound things in a simple way. Language is rigorous and popular, allowing philosophy to bid farewell to cosmic language. The most complicated things are often the simplest, those who think it hard do not understand.

Fourth, the style is normalized. The writing of philosophical works is in the style of natural science works, which is systematic and clear, but it does not scare people with complicated formulas and models.

The Taiji Evolutionism is closely related to Marxism. From a theoretical perspective, both Marxism and Taiji Evolutionism are led by philosophy, but their main body are not  philosophy. The main body of Marxism is political economy and scientific socialism. The main body of the Taiji Evolutionism is