What is Taiji Evolutionism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-04 | 7270 次浏览 | 分享到:

Meta-ethics and the application of the Meta-ethics. Organizational evolution is the main method of human society evolution, so the Theory of Social Organization has a close relationship with the General Evolutionary History Outlook. The Theory of Social Organization studies the law of the formation and evolution of social organizational, which is the foundation of Meta-ethics. Most of the Theory of Social Organization belong to political philosophy.

The philosophy theory of the Taiji Evolutionism includes Meta-ethics, Epistemology, and Ontology. The Meta-ethics can also be called ethical philosophy. It mainly studies people's value outlook. The value outlook is the ultimate criteria for people's behavioral motivation and all values. Valuesinclude the outlook on life, morality, and ethics. The Taiji Evolutionism believes that the ultimate standard of value is individualism, humanism, and evolutionism and their dialectical combination. The Epistemology of Taiji Evolutionism is a reformed empiricism. It recognizes that the alienation of cognition comes from the objective world, but the direct source of objectivity is the stability of cognition, not the objective world itself. At the same time, The Epistemology reveals the origin and essence of intelligence, and puts forward a complete set of truth standards. The Ontology of Taiji Evolutionism is the Dialectical Dualism, which is the dialectical unity of materialism and subjective idealism. Starting from materialism, it is inevitable to launch subjective idealism. Starting from subjective idealism, it is also inevitable to launch materialism. Only the Dialectical Dualism can truly implement practical ideas and principles of seeking truth from facts.

The Guardian of the UK listed in 2013 the twenty most difficult scientific questions in the world today.  1. What is the universe made of? 2. How did life begin? 3. Are we alone in the universe? 4. What makes us human? 5. What is consciousness? 6. Why do we dream? 7. Why is there stuff? 8. Are there other universes? 9. Where do we put all the carbon? 10. How do we get more energy from “the sun”? 11. What is so weird about prime numbers? 12. How do we beat bacteria? 13. Can computers keep getting faster? 14. Will we ever cure cancer? 15. When can I have a robot butler? 16. What is at the bottom of the ocean? 17. What is at the bottom of a black holes? 18. Can we live forever? 19. How do we solve the population problem? 20. Is time travel possible? (Hayley Birch, Colin Stuart and Mun Keat Looi. The 20 Big Questions in Science. The Guardian /home/science. 1 September 2013. https://www.



The Taiji Evolutionism has answered three questions: 2.How did life begin? 4.What makes us human? 15.When can I have a robot butler? (In fact, I have answered two and a half question. The technical aspects of robot have only been briefly described. I mainly discuss whether humans should accept or reject the robot's rule over mankind from the point of view of general evolution and ethics.)