The Essence of Knowledge is Simulation and Logical Construct
来源:Lecture Notes in Arts, Literature and Linguistics. Volume:18. February 21-23,2022, pp.169-178. | 作者:Yong Duan | 发布时间: 2021-12-29 | 17565 次浏览 | 分享到:
It is an important basis of ontology to explain clearly what the subjective world contains. Frege and other Western philosophers were seriously wrong about concepts and the foundations of mathematics. The simulation is to mimic something with a fake product. People's knowledge about the world is also a kind of simulation. The content of knowledge is fake product relative to the object. The difference between people's knowledge and the object that is simulated can be made on purpose. The altered knowledge doesn't necessarily have real object corresponding to it. These thought games can bring about more value of knowledge and benefit in practice. The civilization and culture of human being mainly come from the innovative thought games. The logical construct of sentences describing something is a simulation of the thing or thought game. A symbol is a substance used to create an association in mind. Logical constructs have three advantages compared with real things: simple, useful, and stable. The concept is the logical construct produced after abstraction of things. Different degrees of abstraction can produce different degrees of concept. Abstract concepts of most disciplines retain more attributes, so they are not easy to analyze and study. The concepts of numbers and points, lines, planes and bodies are the results that retain few attributes after abstraction, which are simpler than concepts of other disciplines and easier to analyze and study.
Key Words: Epistemology; Logical construct; Concept; Simulation; Maths; Geometry

2.Knowledge is a Kind of Simulation

People's knowledge of the world is also a kind of simulation, the content of knowledge is a fake simulated product compared with the object of knowledge. The material of this simulation is not plastic, ink, nor sound, light, electricity, but ideology. When I see a real car, I create a model of the car in my mind, which is similar to a photo or a computer simulation.

Some of the structures and properties of this mental model are the same as some of the structures and properties of the objective real car, and some of the structures and properties are different.

The name of the simulated product is determined by the same attributes of the simulated object and the simulated product. A toy similar to a car is called a toy car, referred to as a car. A toy similar to a pistol is called a toy pistol, referred to as a pistol.

The name of the cognition is determined by the same attribute of the human cognition and the imitated object. The knowledge similar to the car is called the knowledge (or experience, phenomenon) of the car, referred to as the car. The knowledge similar to the pistol is called the knowledge of the pistol, referred to as the pistol.

Cars and pistols as cognition are not real cars and pistols, but Materialists and Objective Idealists regard them as real cars and pistols. When you stand in front of me, I don't see you as you really are. What I see is my knowledge. My knowledge about you may or may not be the same with you. So Marx's motto was "Doubt everything".

Materials such as plastic and iron are suitable for children's toys because they are cheap, easy to play with and not dangerous. Materials of photo are paper and ink, so photos are small enough to be printed in large quantities, easy to be mailed and carried.

So the simulated product and the imitated object must be different, if they are exactly the same, they can not meet the needs of people. A photo of a building can go in your pocket, but a real building can't. Simulated products and simulated objects are always two fundamentally different things.

The materials used for human cognition are the products of thoughts made by the nervous system in our heads. The nervous system is something everyone is born with, and it costs nothing. Therefore, human's understanding of the world and the objective world itself must be different. If they are exactly the same, they can not meet human needs. The understanding of the world is always something fundamentally different from the objective world itself.

People's cognition can influence people's practice. Since some properties of cognition about cars are the same as those of real cars, this cognitive model can lead to correct practice. But the cognitive model doesn't have much in common with the real car. The real car is very complex. The cognitive model can be very simple. Due to the limited ability of memory, learning and thinking, it is difficult for people to apply the complex cognitive model. The simplification of the model is conducive to practice in many occasions.