Now the development of philosophy is very slow. Derrida, Hawking and others even said philosophy is dead. There are many difficulties in philosophy, but one is the most crucial: we must first make clear what is in the subjective world. This question is really the foundation of the whole philosophical ontology. Many philosophy theories were not understood in the past mainly because this question was not clear.
There are not only dreams and sadness in the subjective world, there are many very important things. In the past, most people mistakenly regarded these contents of the subjective world as objective things. The Subjective Idealist philosophers took note of this, and they babble on and on that consciousness is the principle. But they did not get to the point, they did not make clear which important things are in the subjective world. So their philosophy became elusive. Logical constructs including concepts and propositions constitute an objective world 2 in the subjective world. These contents are the simulation and innovation of the objective things. Understanding these things can help us build a whole new world view.
Simulating is to use a fake product to mimic a real object. For example, a model car can be used to mimic a real car. The shape of the model car is very similar to that of the real car, which means the model car has some of the same structure and properties as the real car, such as wheels, cab, steering wheel and so on. At the same time, some structure and properties are different, the model car is small and slow, and so on.
Human making simulation products can meet human needs. The same properties between the model car and the real car can meet the needs of children. The different properties can meet the needs of adults, because the structure of the model car is simple, so the price is cheap. For the manufacturer, the cost is low, so it can be produced in large quantities.
Many people think that only the true, kind-hearted and beautiful things are good. In fact, many times the false, cruel and ugly things can better meet people's needs. Toy cars are fake, but for children, fake cars satisfy their needs better than real ones. Fake flowers, rockery are good things, artistic images and artistic plots are almost false. Mercy to the enemy is the crime to friends. Clowns on stage can bring us happy and artistic enjoyment. Heliocentric theory is also false, but in Bruno's time, it played a role in historical progress. All drawings and models are fake, they are essential for all kinds of projects. The ultimate standard of value is people's interests and needs, not necessarily true, good and beautiful. The ultimate standard of truth is not truth and objectiveness, but usefulness.
There are many kinds of methods of simulating. The model car is made of plastic, iron plate and other materials. A photo is also a simulation, but the material of the photo is not plastic and iron plate, but paper and ink. Modern technology can also make acoustic, optical, electrical simulation, computer simulation and so on.