Thoroughly Criticize Objective Idealism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 11966 次浏览 | 分享到:

origin. Although the matte is also origin and the matter is outside of consciousness, but the matter that we think and say is consciousness. In this way, we can say that the material and course are all in our heart. Berkeley said, the world is my image. This sentence is wrong. It should be changed to: the world we think and say is my image. The changing of matter and the effect of matter on us are out of consciousness. It will work no matter whether we think of it or not. But objective things will not influence my decision until they become my consciousness. Only what we think and say will affect our decision-making. People's decision determine human practice. People's practice determine the change in the physical world. I call this as I think, so I do. This sentence is more important than the famous saying of Descartes,“I think, so I am.”

For example, there was a stone in front of me. I didn't see it and I walked forward. The result was I fell down. The second time I came here, I would bypass it. This stone is outside my consciousness. No matter whether I see it or not, it is an objective reality, it will affect my practice, but only when I see it, can it affect my decision-making, I bypassed it. When I didn't see it, it will not affect my decision. I will keep walking. In the sense of decision- making, consciousness is the origin, and material is not the origin. The matter only affects the result of practice, but it does not affect decision-making. What is the purpose of understanding? To serve decision-making. All theories are for decision-making. When we say knowledge guidance practice we mean to guide decision-making rather than directly guide the result of practice. The result of practice is influenced by the material, but the practical decisions are not directly affected by the material.

Therefore, only idealism can develop the dynamic aspect of philosophy. Once the result of practice is formed, it cannot be changed. Decision-making can be changed