Thoroughly Criticize Objective Idealism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 10058 次浏览 | 分享到:

possible has; it is an existence which (although it is) can just as well not be.”[2]

In the book Nietzsche, Heidegger said,“The only thing we must see is what is co-posited already in such a determination, namely, that there are many bedframes, many tables, yet just one Idea ‘bedframe' and one Idea ‘table.' In each case, the one of outward appearance is not only one according to number but above all is one and the same; it is the one that continues to exist in spite of all changes in the apparatus, the one that maintains its consistency. In the outward appearance, whatever it is that something which encounters us ‘is,' shows itself. To Being, therefore, seen Platonically, permanence belongs. All that becomes and suffers alteration, as impermanent, has no Being.” Whenever Nietzsche says ‘Being' he always means it Platonically--even after the reversal of Platoism.[3] In Plato's view, eternality belongs to ‘existence'.  Thorough nominalism is completely against Plato's, Heidegger's, and Nietzsche's idea. Nominalism holds that only things that are in evolution are objective. Lichtenberg said, Mother Nature does not create genera and species, she creates individuals.[4]

When people make a table, there is a goal in the mind. This goal exists only in the mind of the person. The wood does not know how people want to toss it. Aristotle believed that the wood knew what he was looking for in the future. The purpose was hidden in the wood. Heidegger also said that the wood knew what he was going to look like. Heidegger called the process of turning wood into a table as “unconceal”. That means before the table is formed, the shape of the table has been hidden in the wood. The carpenter's job is to open the package. It is inferred that the future world has also been hidden in today's world, and all our work today is only to open the package. Our fate has long been doomed, our innovation and revolution are the embodiment of fate.