Thoroughly Criticize Objective Idealism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 10294 次浏览 | 分享到:

Heidegger said, “Does the tablemaker produce the outward appearance as well? No,‘for in no case does the craftsman produce the Idea itself'. How should he with axe, saw, and plane be able to manufacture an Idea.[5] Nominalism holds that craftsmen do cannot use axe to make a form, but craftsmen can use their brains to create a form. Otherwise where can the form come from? It can only come from the God. How can craftsmen innovate? Does he consult the God every time? Only the realist needs to consult the God. The nominalist believes that human beings have tremendous creativity and can create various new ideas in their minds. Then choose one, draw a blueprint, and then make the product.

How to explain people's understanding process of the nature and the general, it has always been a problem that cannot be solved by objective idealism. Zhang Xianglong said, Western traditional philosophy has been making careless eye on this crucial issue for more than 2,000 years. The incompetence of western traditional philosophy on this important issue is like the fairy tale‘the emperor's new dress'.[6]

Objective idealism treats the fake things created by consciousness as something that really exists. Hegel's Logic and Heidegger's Being and Time were all weaving the new clothes of the emperor. They described the emperor's new clothes infinitely beautiful, and even they were all fooled to be convinced.

What I said is that there is no theory outside mind, but we cannot said that there isn't matter outside mind. The specific material is objective. Our experience and interests are not arbitrarily generated and there is an alienation. Many things we do not want to see always appear, so there is the matter outside mind, and there are many courses outside the mind. But things outside the mind have different meanings from things in the heart.

What is out of mind is not the most important. The most important thing is the thing in the heart, and consciousness is the