Philosophy has to Provide a Fake World View
来源:Duan Y., "Philosophy Has to Provide a Fake World View". WOP in Education Social Sciences and Psycholopy, Volume:93 (November 29-30, 2022), pp.175-179. | 作者:段勇 | 发布时间: 2023-03-23 | 9043 次浏览 | 分享到:
Everyone thinks that only the scientific world view is correct, but the discussion of this paper will prove that the value of this kind of world view is very limited. We need a fake but more valuable metaphysical world view. In the world view of science and Materialism, it can be said that there is only matter, with no place for human and consciousness, all human culture and civilization are smaller than dust. The metaphysical world view should completely change this picture, making thought products like concepts and theories bigger than the objective world. The subjective world and the objective world should form a mutually inclusive dialectical unity relationship. The world view of philosophy is the world view of value, but not the real world view. The contents on the architectural drawings are fake and non-existent in the begining, but very important. Objective things can not directly affect people's decision-making. The philosophical world view should describe the world that affects decision-making. Abstract laws and generalities exist only in the mind. Compared with a specific conclusion, the abstract major premise has greater value. Philosophical world view should be the logical starting point, the biggest premise, of all theoretical deduction. The pyramid of theory is built to know why.
Key Words: Ontology; World view; Metaphysics; Decision-making; Hegel

    The stone added in my mind was related to my previous practice effect, which was related to the stone of the objective world. Because it tripped me over, I added a stone to my mind. However, this connection is neither direct nor inevitable. Maybe I didn't see the stone after I fell once. Maybe it was dark, or I had bad eyes. At any time, the only thing that affects my decision is the stone in my mind. The stones of the objective world will not directly affect my decision-making. If the stone has been removed, I don't know, then I will be very careful when I go there. Because I still have that stone in my mind.

    This is an important difference between Dialectical Dualism and Materialism. Since the objective existence of the material can not affect my decision, so we can keep silent about the objective existence, not to describe the objective world. We only need to describe the objective world in our heads, because it's the objective world in our heads that affects our decisions. The scientific worldview attempts to describe the objective and real world, while the philosophical worldview should describe the world that affects decision making. The philosophical world view is a fake world view, but it is more valuable than the real world view because it describes the world view that affects decision-making. The real objective world is not a part of the subjective world, the objective world in the mind is a part of the subjective world. The objective world in the mind and the subjective world are mutually contained dialectical unity.

    Karl Marx regarded practice as the core concept of philosophy, everything starts from practice, all theories should serve for practice, this view is wrong. All theories should serve for decision making.

    If practice is successful, it can bring benefits to people, so we all hope that practice can succeed. Man can rule the world because his practice is better than that of animals. The success of practice depends on two factors: decision making and objective material conditions. Apart from these two factors, nothing else can affect the effect of man's practice. Decisions belong to the subjective world and material conditions belong to the objective world.

    Karl Marx said, "It is not consciousness that determines life, but life that determines consciousness.[3] But when people and dinosaurs faced the same objective environment, they would have different practices. People can change the world, but dinosaurs cannot. The fundamental reason for this difference is that when faced with the same objective environment, humans and dinosaurs would have different consciousness and would make different decisions. The root cause is the Origin. Decision making is the root cause of practice difference. Decision making is a kind of consciousness, not a matter, and only other consciousness in mind can affect it.

    Materialists always say that objective environmental conditions determine human behavior, but they do not know that objective environmental conditions can not directly affect human decision making. If objective environmental conditions could directly influence a person's decision making, he would not make mistakes. Why do Materialists often make mistakes? Clearly the Kuomintang had laid traps on the side of the Xiangjiang River, but Red Army still slowly went forward with a lot of baggage. Objective environmental conditions did not change the decision of Li De, the commander of Red Army. Why did Mao Zedong and Li De make different decisions? It was not because the objective environmental conditions were different, but the ideas in their minds were different. They were playing different thought games in their heads, so they made completely different logical structures, and they made different decisions based on those logical structures.