Figure 2. Dialectical Relation of the Two World.
The objective world we think and talk about is not the real objective world, but is made of our experience, ideas and theories. It is an artificial objective world. For example, when we think of a stone, we think of its round or irregular shape, of its hardness, of its colour being white or grey, and so on. These shapes, hardness, and color are our sensory experience of a certain thing, and the combination of sensory experience makes up an object. The object, which is made up of sensory experience, is often different from the real object. The real stone has a complex composition and structure inside. These objective content is much more than we can think of. So the object world we think and talk about is actually part of the subjective world, it is the objective 2, not the objective world 1.
The objective world 2 is in the subjective world, it is the true subset of the subjective world. The subjective world is in the objective world 1, it is the true subset of the objective world 1. Because the content of the subjective world is human consciousness, which is the function of the brain. The brain is an objective material system, a part of objective world 1. Human experience has the otherize character, it is something we have to accept. Only by acknowledging that the objective world is outside of us can cognition get logical unity.
Now let’s look at the objective world 1. Is the objective world 1 really objective? The objective world 1 we’re talking about here is also something we’re thinking about. I wouldn’t be able to say it if I hadn’t thought about it. Now that I’m thinking and talking about the objective world 1, it is also part of the subjective world, essentially it is objective world 2. That is to say, there is a subjective world outside the objective world 1, and there is an objective world outside the subjective world.
And so on, layer upon layer nesting, endless loop. The relation between the subjective world and the objective world belongs to the dialectical unity relation, or the relation between matter and consciousness is the dialectical unity relation. This is the world view of dialectical dualism, the most fundamental and overall world view that metaphysics of philosophy should present to the public.
The person in the picture below is holding an image. In the image there is a person, herself, who is holding the same image, in which there are smaller images, and so on and so on. This also happens when looking at a mirror, with another mirror placed opposite. You can see an infinite number of mirrors reflecting off each other. This is called the Droste effect, a visual form of recursion.
Figure 3. Droste Effect.
Figure 4. Klein Bottle, Mobius Belt, Yin Yang Diagram of Taiji Theory.
Dialectical logic does not conform to the rules of formal logic, but it is the commonness of many things, which is a logical relationship that we have to admit. Phenomena such as Droste effect, Klein bottle and Mobius belt all provide visual images of dialectical unity relations. The upper and lower sides of the Mobius belt are connected, and the inner and outer sides of the Klein bottle are connected. When we are children, we all heard such a story: Once upon a time, there was a mountain. In the mountain there was a temple. In the temple there was an old man telling a story. What was the story about? Once upon a time, there was a mountain. In the mountain there was a temple. In the temple there was an old man telling a story. The story could go on and on forever.