Why? Because scientists only want to provide us with an objective and realistic view of the world, but there are many important and valuable things that are not objective and true. First of all, many contents of religion are unreal. Secondly, most artistic images and plots are unreal. What’s more important, a lot of content of science is unreal. If we believe that there is no absolute truth in the world, then all scientific theories may be wrong and may not belong to the objective reality of the world. You can say that these false things do not exist, but you cannot say that they have no value. We can even say that in most cases the value of science, art and religion is far greater than the real world.
Therefore we can come to a conclusion that if we ignore the existence of these false things, it only shows that our world view is incomplete. If we say that everything in the objective world is objective and true, then these false things do not belong to the objective world, but to the subjective world. So the objective world is only a part of the world. The world view provided by science only describes the objective world, so the world view provided by science is not the complete world view, only the metaphysical world view provided by philosophy is the complete world view, which embraces everything, especially those things that may be not objectively real but have great value.
The world view of Dialectical Dualism is a new world outlook of metaphysics, which believes that the existence of the world includes two parts: the subjective world and the objective world, and they are dialectical and unified relation that contain each other. Existence is not equal to objective existence. The existence includes objective existence and subjective existence. What exists in the subjective world may not be objective, but it is also a kind of existence.
Dialectical Dualism believes that the objective world includes Material(Wu物), Event(Shi事), Law(Dao道), Commonness(Li理) and Relations. The relation includes the same relation, the similarity relation, the space structure relation, the time relation, the gravity relation, the magnetic force relation, the authority relation and so on.
The Material is opposed and relative to relations and laws. For example, when we study the motion of a small piece of iron, and we do not care about the internal structure or the laws of its internal motion, then the iron is the material. But when we want to study the internal composition of the iron, the mass of iron is no longer material. When we say that the iron is made of iron atoms, we are thinking of the iron atoms as material, and the way the iron atoms are arranged is the relation or law. And when we look at the composition of iron atoms, the iron atoms are no longer material.
Therefore, it can be said that there is no material in the world, and all objective existence is a system composed of certain relations and laws. Time is a kind of relation, space is a kind of relation, energy is also a kind of relation. Energy is the possibility of one matter acting on another.