Neo-Essentialism: Regulation and Commonality in Subjective World
来源:Lecture Notes in Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Vol.60 (July 15-16,2023), pp.385-392. | 作者:Yong Duan | 发布时间: 2023-08-18 | 7107 次浏览 | 分享到:
Abstract: What we call national character is not an abstract thing that exists in the objective world, but understanding that is abstractly summarized after we observe the thoughts and behaviors of one by one specific person. Abstract things can transcend particular time and space and apply to a very large scale, so abstract things have great value. Regulation and commonality are abstract things. There are two kinds of regulation and commonality: one is in the objective world and one in the subjective world. Regulation and commonality in the objective world are not the source of knowledge, nor are they the criteria for testing truth. Theories about the regulation and commonality of the objective world are dogmatic. Essence offen refers to abstract regulation and commonality. Dialectical Dualism holds that the essence in the objective world has no value, while the essence in the subjective world has high value and is the main contents of human civilization and culture. The main task of philosophical Ontology is to establish the essence in the subjective world, including the Origin, Noumenon, regulations, concepts, commonalities, world views and so on. This is the Neo-essentialism.
Key words: Ontology; Essentialism; Essence; Anti-essentialism; Abstract

3.2 The Onion of R.Barthes

Structuralism postulates that there is a transcendental underlying structure that determines the meaning of a sign or becomes the meaning basis and center of a sign system. This is the common belief of structuralism since Saussure, and it is also the goal of all Structuralists including Barthes. But Barthes later fiercely opposed this Structuralist postulate. Barthes said, Literary work is like an onion, is composed of many layers. In the end, there is no heart, no core, no secret, no irreducible origin, some just layers of envelope.[2]

Barthes was both right and wrong. The underlying structure of Structuralism refers to the abstract Dao Li and concrete things that cannot be observed directly in the objective world. These things maybe exist. Barthes said there's no such abstract Dao Li, so the argument of Barthes was Anti-essentialism, he was arguing against the dogmatism of Objective Idealism. This Anti-essentialist view was worthy of affirmation, because the abstract Dao Li in objective world is not the source of knowledge, nor the standard and basis for testing truth, and has no value. But there can be valuable underlying structure in the subjective world, and that structure can determine the meaning of signs. If the underlying structure that Structuralism referred to was the structure in subjective world, then Structuralism can be on the right track.

The Dao Li of the objective world have no value. So the Subjective Idealists and Anti-essentialists say that there is no Dao Li in the objective world. Wang Yangming said,"There is no Li outside the heart, there is no Wu outside the heart." G.Berkeley said, Existence is to be perceived. Berkeley's Existence is only the existence of concrete substance, he only said that there is no Wu outside the heart, but did not say that there is no Li outside the heart. Wang Yangming was not only more than 200 years earlier than Berkeley, more than 100 years earlier than Descartes, but also more comprehensive than Berkeley and Descartes. In fact, we can admit the existence of the Dao Li of objective world, because we have no hard evidence for their existence or non-existence. Objective Idealism says they exist, which is dogmatic. And the question of whether they exist is not important. The important thing is that the Dao Li of the objective world have no value.