The Core Argument of the Theory of Taiji Evolutionism (Modified)
来源:The speech draft on the Philosophical meeting in Shanghai in 2020 | 作者:Yong Duan | 发布时间: 2023-08-15 | 12458 次浏览 | 分享到:

I. Overview

The theory of Taiji Evolutionism consists of three parts: philosophy, social science and system theory. The philosophical part includes ontology, epistemology and meta-ethics. The social sciences section focuses on the origin and nature of life, the nature of people and human culture, history view of generalized evolution, and social organization theory and futurology.

The book "Taiji Evolutionism" is divided into eight chapters. The idea of feedback runs through the content of these eight chapters. Feedback can be represented by the interaction of Yin and Yang of Taiji picture, Yin and Yang can also represent the unity of opposites in contradiction. I write an "e" in the middle of Yin Yang picture to stands for evolution.

The philosophical part of Taiji Evolutionism expounds a relatively complete theory of world view and outlook on life. To establish a scientific world view and outlook on life, we must first understand what is the essence of human beings. Human being is special creature. Human has the common characteristics of creatures, but is different from ordinary creatures. Therefore, to understand the nature of human, we must first understand the nature of life. What is life? Life is complex systems that can survive, so before talking about life, Taiji Evolutionism first establishes a new theory of systems.

2. System Theory

In the system theory, Yong Duan put forward a groundbreaking idea called "feedback creates the world". Feedback includes positive feedback and negative feedback. Negative feedback is the core concept of cybernetics. For example, a missile shoots a plane, and constantly adjusting the direction of flight during the flight of the missile is a negative feedback process. The body's constant temperature control system, immune system and so on are playing a negative feedback function. Negative feedback systems are everywhere.

However, the role of positive feedback has long been neglected in system theory. Atomic bomb explosion is a kind of positive feedback, in the process of nuclear fission, a neutron bombards a uranium-235 atomic nucleus, making it fission, releasing energy and releasing multiple neutrons, which can bombard more nuclei and release more neutrons, then these neutrons bombard more nucleus, so as to form a positive feedback. In fact, all explosions are caused by positive feedback, even explosions without nuclear fission have positive feedback. Because the faster the fuel radiates heat, the higher the temperature; And the higher the temperature, the faster the heat release rate, so that is a positive feedback.