Philosophy has to Provide a Fake World View
来源:Duan Y., "Philosophy Has to Provide a Fake World View". WOP in Education Social Sciences and Psycholopy, Volume:93 (November 29-30, 2022), pp.175-179. | 作者:段勇 | 发布时间: 2023-03-23 | 7458 次浏览 | 分享到:
Everyone thinks that only the scientific world view is correct, but the discussion of this paper will prove that the value of this kind of world view is very limited. We need a fake but more valuable metaphysical world view. In the world view of science and Materialism, it can be said that there is only matter, with no place for human and consciousness, all human culture and civilization are smaller than dust. The metaphysical world view should completely change this picture, making thought products like concepts and theories bigger than the objective world. The subjective world and the objective world should form a mutually inclusive dialectical unity relationship. The world view of philosophy is the world view of value, but not the real world view. The contents on the architectural drawings are fake and non-existent in the begining, but very important. Objective things can not directly affect people's decision-making. The philosophical world view should describe the world that affects decision-making. Abstract laws and generalities exist only in the mind. Compared with a specific conclusion, the abstract major premise has greater value. Philosophical world view should be the logical starting point, the biggest premise, of all theoretical deduction. The pyramid of theory is built to know why.
Key Words: Ontology; World view; Metaphysics; Decision-making; Hegel

1.Introduction: Chance Your World View

    The objective world is very complicated. With the progress of human civilization, people's knowledge is becoming more and more complicated. However, people's limited ability makes it difficult to process and use complex cognition, and requires simple and orderly cognition. Philosophy is a kind of simple and orderly understanding, a highly generalized abstraction of the complex world and cognition. The most abstract generalizations of the world and knowledge form the world view.

    You maybe have a healthy worldview, but it is not necessarily scientific, complete and rational, and your worldview may not stand up to reflection and questioning. Some people have a negative, dark, unhealthy, or even reactionary view of the world. The development of rational theory cannot be achieved overnight. The worldview is a system constructed in the subjective world. In the process of cognitive development, it is impossible to form only one world view, and it is inevitable that many world views coexist. These world views inevitably have their pros and cons, they compete with each other, and many are eliminated. Each of the surviving worldviews has some valuable elements that can be more in line with human interests when they are combined.

    Worldviews include metaphysical worldview and physical worldview. The interpretation of the world by physics, history and general evolution theory are physical worldviews, while the ontology of philosophy studies the metaphysical worldview. The physical worldview is objective and real, while the metaphysical worldview is not objective or real, but more valuable and useful.

    Plato once offered us a metaphysical view of the world, which was wrong, but had some merit, and had held a prominent place in history.  Whitehead said, the whole history of philosophy was just footnotes to Plato.[1] Hegel later developed a metaphysical worldview, which was quickly abandoned. Now everyone thinks that only the scientific physical worldview is correct, but this paper will prove that the value of this worldview is very limited, we need a more valuable metaphysical worldview.