The Legend of White Snake was just a man-eating snake at the beginning, then through continuous artistic processing of her in various dynasties she became a flesh-and-blood and emotionally rich character.
A real car contains an infinite number of attributes, while for the average person, the logical construct of the car in the subjective world only has one shape and the attribute of running, excluding other attributes of the car, such as engine structure, tire, electronic control function, etc. With professional training, the properties of the logical construct of the car in the subjective world will gradually increase. The course that the logical construct gradually increase its attributes and getting orderly is the forward evolutionary process of logical construct and culture gene.[4]
Abstraction is a kind of thought game, which is characterized by focusing only on some properties of things and ignoring others. For example, Chinese people have male and female, old and young. I only care about whether you are Chinese, do not care about you are male or female, old or young, that is abstraction. Commonness is the abstract of many materials, and the law is the abstract of many events.
There are different degrees of abstraction. More abstraction means fewer properties to focus on and more properties to ignore. Concrete and abstract are opposition, the less degree of abstraction means more concrete. All objective things are concrete beings with infinitely multiple properties. Human cognition can only focus on some attributes, so all human cognition is abstract.
Simulated products have some of the same attributes as the object, and some of the attributes are different from the object. We tend to only pay attention to the same attributes, do not care about the different attributes. Then the simulated product can be regarded as an abstract of the simulated object.
In the objective world, there are events, materials, laws, commonness and relationships. Event is the movement and changes of material and relationships. Logical construct comes from artificial simulation products. Logical constructs can simulate all events, materials, laws, commonness and relationships.