The World View of Dialectical Dualist: The Dialectical Relation View of the Subjective World and the Objective World
来源: International Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2021, pp. 78-84. doi: 10.11648/j.ijp.20210902.11 (Mocified) | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 13849 次浏览 | 分享到:
1. Introduction
2. The Basic Idea to Understand Philosophy
3. Two Kinds of World Views
4. Dialectical Relation of Two Worlds
5. Colored Glasses
6. Dialectical Corresponding Relation

Abstract: Science is theories divided into many branches. Philosophy is the whole theory without branches, it is the most abstract theory. The main function of philosophy is to provide people with a holistic world view, a rational belief, the ultimate standard of value and the ultimate standard of truth. The world view provided by philosophical ontology is the world view of the whole, which embraces all valuable but maybe not objective and real things. The physical world view is one part of the metaphysical world view. The objective world includes material and Tao. Tao includes relations and laws. The subjective world includes Xin, Xing, Qing, Yi and thought products. Xin means the thought. Xing refers to the human nature, needs and interests. Qing includes emotion, feeling and vision. Yi means people’s attitude, will, perseverance and decision-making. Thought products include knowledge, hypotheses, myths, lies, arts, religion, prejudice, and so on. The subjective world is part of the objective world. And the objective world we think and say is part of the subjective world. It is the objective world 2, not the objective world 1. In fact, what we call the objective world 1 is also what we think and what we say, and also a part of the subjective world. The objective world and the subjective world are the dialectical unity of layer upon layer nesting and infinite circulation. The abstract way of understanding is the colored glasses that we have to wear. Abstraction inevitably brings contradiction.

Keywords: Ontology, World View, Dialectical Unity, Cycle, Abstract

1. Introduction

Philosophy has a long history, there are many great philosophers and many famous philosophical theories. But what exactly is philosophy? What is the use of philosophy? These most basic questions have been opinions vary. This has become a great scandal for philosophy and a great shame for philosophers. The basic problem of philosophy is the relationship between matter and consciousness. Materialism and idealism have argued for thousands of years, but there is no result up to now. This paper will explain the role of philosophy, at the same time put forward a new world view, that is, the dialectical picture of the relationship between the subjective world and the objective world in the hope of ending this debate