Thoroughly Criticize Objective Idealism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 11965 次浏览 | 分享到:

Abstract: Objective idealism believes that abstract things are truly priori existence. They have created many abstract things and theories. Materialism, subjective idealism, and objective idealism all have problems, but the nature of the problem is completely different. Some are problems in development that can be tolerated, some are intolerable. Philosophy can not develop without this problem thoroughly solved. The objective world has only concrete things and no abstract things. The experience produced by observation and the consciousness of pure subjective fabrication are both consciousness. The experience has objective counter- parts, therefore, people regard the purely subjective consciousness also corresponding to the objective thing. The idea of Plato is thus produced. The concept of abstraction is the result of consciousness. Objective idealists believe that in the objective world there are abstract things corresponding to these consciousnesses. Many subjective idealists and materialists often slide toward objective idealism unconsciously. Both Heidegger and Nietzsche insisted on Platonism, arguing that eternality belongs to abstract existence, and that all temporary things in evolution did not exist. Thorough nominalism is completely opposed to this kind of realism. The nominalism holds that only things that are in evolution are objective. Objective idealists such as Heidegger are weaving new clothes for emperor. Dialectical Dualism is the dialectical unity of materialism and subjective idealism, it is the only right ontology.

Keywords: ontology; objective idealism; nominalism; idea

CLC number: B081.2

Submission: World Philosophy Conference Group 38. Metaphysics


Objective idealism (rationalism, realism) is a major school of philosophy. Many philosophers such as Pythagoras, Parmenides, Plato and Aristotle, Leibniz, Nietzsche, and Heidegger are all objective idealists. Objective idealism believes that abstract things are real transcendental existences. They have created many abstract things and theories, from Plato's idea to Leibniz's monad, from the existence of Parmenides to Hegel's dialectic, and Lao Zi's “tao”, Zhu Xi's “li”. They are so varied and strange and they are all said to be transcendental, that is, they must be true, they do not need to be tested. However, these strange and abstract things cannot be true at the same time. How to distinguish them? What are the methods and standards to distinguish? These problems have always been unsolvable by objective idealism.

The development of modern philosophy epistemology is to solve these problems. However, in the development of epistemology, people seem to have forgotten this original intention. Few people seriously criticize objective idea- lism. The most important thing is that they do not recognize the essence of objective idealism. Materialism, subjective idealism, and objective idealism all have problems, but the nature of the problem is completely different. Some are problems in development that can be tolerated, some are intolerable, and completely violate the scientific spirit.