Ⅸ Looking at the Responsibility and Power from Prisoner's Dilemma
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 7835 次浏览 | 分享到:

Materialism and Idealism have errors, what should be the correct theory? It should be Dialectical Dualism, which is the dialectical unity of Materialism and Subjective Idealism. Marx's Dialectical Materialism also recognizes the dialectical relationship between substance and consciousness, but it does not recognize that the role of consciousness in materialism is a decisive role, and Marx called it as counter-production, but Marx had never explained clearly what is counter-production. Therefore, Dialectical Materialism is an incomplete theory.

Why can't the monkey king in the Chinese ancient novel Journey to the West jump out of the palm of the Buddha? Because the Buddha has written these words in his palm: the subjective world. Buddhism believes that all Dharma is in the heart. It is not only the monkey king, but all people, no matter where you are sacred, what you think and say is completely your own subjective world. Things outside the subjective world must first become subjective before they affect your decision-making. These are the determinants of consciousness over matter.

We live in the objective world, but also in a subjective world. The world can exist in a probabilistic way. Communication is based on trust. Economic operation is based on credit. Probability, trust and credit are all subjective things. Because we live in a world of subjective predictions, so we always worry about nothing. Because we live in a world with the sorts of things (sorts are the product of subjective abstractions), we always have a partial overview instead of comprehensive understanding. And at the same time, we can often devise strategies to win thousands of miles, and know things that we cannot observe.