How are the various aspects of a particular thing divided? The division of an object into parts is based on spatial relations, and the division of an event into stages is based on temporal relations. The division of a thing into several aspects is neither based in terms of spatial relations nor temporal relations, but in terms of differences of feeling. For example, we see colors in all kind of objects because of the perception of color. Color is inseparable from the object, you cannot scrape color off a block of wood. You say I can use a scraper to scrape the color off the surface, but there is still color inside, you cannot separate the weight and volume from the color of the block. But in our minds, we can separate the perception of color from the perception of the weight and volume of the block. Then put the color of this wooden block together with the color of other objects for research and analysis. For example, this wooden block is brown, and so is the bookcase in my home. The brown color of all things is the same concept and aspect.
The extension of philosophical research is not only reflected in the study of the whole universe, but also reflected in the study of all aspects of the various dimensions, covering all disciplines. The Origin in philosophy is not only the origin of the universe, but also the generality and source of all aspects. This is where philosophy differs from cosmology and astronomy. You can say the universe came from a Big Bang, but these properties didn't come from the Big Bang. So the beginning of the universe is not the Origin in philosophy.
Things have different properties because they are different in structure. Chemical differences are due to differences in molecular structure, and many physical differences are due to differences in atomic structure. So to find the origin of these properties we need to explore the micro world. Therefore, the fourth manifestation of the largeness of philosophy lies in the depth of microscopic exploration. The smaller the exploration space, the richer the content of philosophy. Relativity and quantum mechanics have greatly influenced the development of modern philosophy.
The fifth manifestation of philosophical largeness is concern with the degree of order and complexity of systems. Although the universe is large, most of it is simple systems. Philosophy focuses on complex systems, and those simple systems account for very little in philosophy and are easy to recognize. Non-living things are simple systems, especially atoms, muons and elementary particles. Plants, animals, people and human society are all complex systems. Philosophy studies all systems from simple to complex. Complex systems are gradually evolved from simple systems, but the change of complexity and order degree is not completely synchronized with time, degeneration often occurs in the process of evolution, and all kinds of complex degree of systems can exist at the same time. So complexity and order is a different dimension from time. Physics only studies simple non-living things, not complex living things and humans, so physics is limited in the dimension of complexity. Biology only studies complex living things, not simple non-living things, so biology is also limited in the dimension of complexity. Philosophy has no limits on this dimension. It studies everything from simple disorder to complex order.