The World View of Dialectical Dualist: The Dialectical Relation View of the Subjective World and the Objective World
来源: International Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2021, pp. 78-84. doi: 10.11648/j.ijp.20210902.11 (Mocified) | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 13631 次浏览 | 分享到:
1. Introduction
2. The Basic Idea to Understand Philosophy
3. Two Kinds of World Views
4. Dialectical Relation of Two Worlds
5. Colored Glasses
6. Dialectical Corresponding Relation

The opposition of contradictions is abstract opposition, and the unity of contradictions is concrete unity under certain conditions. For example, at a crossroad, the north and the south can’t go while the east and the west go, they are in contradiction. So how to achieve the unity of the contradiction? If an overpass is built, east and west, north and south can go at the same time. The overpass is the specific condition that realizes contradiction to unify. In the objective and concrete world, there are no contradictions.

All contradictions are made by people with the colored glasses. Therefore, all contradictions can be unified in the objective and concrete world. Why can’t many people understand dialectics? Because it’s really ridiculous. It doesn’t exist in the objective world. Dialectics exists only in the subjective world or in the relationship between the subjective world and the objective world. Because our human understanding is subjective, we can’t do without colored glasses, so we have to accept dialectics, we have to accept the dialectical unity between subjective world and objective world.

In fact, all the ways of cognition are colored glasses, are a distortion of the objective world. For example, human vision can only see visible light, human sense of smell, hearing, touch are much worse than animals. Human do not have the sonar system like bats. Many animals can see we can’t see. Our senses are all colored glasses, and so are all our ways of thinking.

The mistake of the Materialism is to deny the use of colored glasses, saying that the concrete material world will not be distorted by colored glasses, and that wearing colored glasses one can see the objective concrete world as it is. They say that what scientists study is objective world 1, not objective world 2. If that were true, there would be no need for philosophy. The second mistake of the Materialism is to take concrete matter as the origin and oppose abstract Tao as the origin. Although concrete matter is the real origin of the world, it is not what we need most. What we need most is abstract knowledge. The method of abstract understanding is colored glasses.

Objective idealism also denies the role of this colored glasses. They say that abstract ideas, Tao and objective laws are not what we see through colored glasses, but what the objective world itself possesses. They do not understand that Tao of the objective world itself is not the direct source of knowledge. The direct source of knowledge can only be observation of phenomena. The understanding of Tao comes into being only after the phenomena are abstracted. Tao is not the criterion of testing truth, either. The process of testing truth in practice is the process of observing new phenomena.

Subjective Idealism holds that the subjective world is the origin and the objective world is in the subjective world. But they didn’t see that the subjective world is also in the objective world. We must acknowledge that the otherize character of consciousness can only come from the objective world.

7. Conclusion