The World View of Dialectical Dualist: The Dialectical Relation View of the Subjective World and the Objective World
来源: International Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2021, pp. 78-84. doi: 10.11648/j.ijp.20210902.11 (Mocified) | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 13633 次浏览 | 分享到:
1. Introduction
2. The Basic Idea to Understand Philosophy
3. Two Kinds of World Views
4. Dialectical Relation of Two Worlds
5. Colored Glasses
6. Dialectical Corresponding Relation

Diamond Sutra says that all phases are false. In this sense, I am the whole world, I am the God. The so-call “God” means each subject.

“Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?” That’s Plato’s question. Scientists think they have already answered that question, but they can’t. Why can’t scientists answer this question? Because they don’t understand that the objective world is part of the subjective world. For this reason, when they encounter some paradoxes in quantum mechanics and other disciplines, they are easily lost, their worldview is easily overturned, and they can’t understand dialectical logic. Only philosophy can eliminate this confusion, only philosophy can provide the foundation for science.

5. Colored Glasses

Why are the subjective world and the objective world dialectically united? Because we wear a pair of colored glasses. We have to rely on our senses and brains to do science and to understand the world, our senses and brains have limitations like a pair of colored glasses.

Scientists don’t realize that they are wearing colored glasses when they see the world. If they see everything red, they assume that the physical world is made up of red elements. They don’t believe that the red color comes from their own glasses. Philosophers are aware of this, which is the Copernican Revolution of Kant: not that our understanding conforms to the object, but that the object conforms to our understanding.[3]

Why did Kant say that the object must conform to our understanding? The main reason is that we have to use abstract method of understanding. This abstract method is a pair of colored glasses that we have to wear.

What is a chicken plus a dog? Is it equal to two chickens or two dogs? Obviously neither. But we can say that one plus one equals two, because we have made abstraction first before we do this calculation. What does it mean when we say “one”? It is an abstraction of a chicken, a dog, a person, an earth, everything. Scientific research cannot do without formal logic, and the premise of formal logic is abstraction. So scientific research can never do without abstraction. The abstract process can only take place in the subjective world. In the objective world there are only concrete things, there are no abstract things. In the concrete objective world, no two leaves are the same, and one is never equal to one. In the abstract subjective world, one can be equal to one. So scientific research can never jump out of the subjective world.

According to Hegel, the abstract view of identity puts identity and difference in opposition, and regards identity as only formal, such as A is A, A cannot be both A and -A. Hegel said this view of identity is a one-sided and isolated analytical method, which is very ridiculous.[4] Lenin excerpted for several times and agreed with Hegel’s criticism of abstract and concrete identity in his Notes on Philosophy.

It was a very important philosophical discovery that Hegel found the distinction between concrete identity and abstract identity. Hegel’s mistake was to forget that abstract identity is not a metaphysical claim, but a principle of reasoning in most natural scientific theories, it belongs to formal logic. Hegel’s denial of abstract identity is to fight against all scientific theories. You can not say that all scientific theories are ridiculous. Formal logic is a distortion of the objective world, is the colored glasses of human beings. But scientific research can not do without this colored glasses, so we must accept both formal logic and dialectical logic. However, formal logic and dialectical logic are contradictory. How to unify them? The formal logic must be regarded as the logic of the objective world 2 and subjective world, the dialectical logic must be regarded as the logic of the objective world 1, so that the two can be unified.