Popper, Baudrillard, and Blackmore's Cultural Gene
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 11499 次浏览 | 分享到:
Definition of Life and Human
Popper's Theory of the Third World
Baudrillard's Theory of Simulacrum
The Charm and Flaw of Meme Theory

has to start again. So, until now, non-living things still have only simple structure. After macro- molecules had got self-replication function, the number of individuals with complex structures could greatly increased. Although there were always many individuals with complex structures that continue to disintegrate, the complex structures always had survivors, so the evolu- tionary process could continue, with the structure of the organisms more and more complicated. It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop.

The source of biological complex structure is also spontaneous mutation and natural selection. This is the same as non-living things. The only difference is that biology can continue to evolve, and non-livings always start from beginning, so the scene we see today appears. Creatures have countless magical functions, for example, the function of maintaining one's temperature, the immune function, run, fly, and even think and innovate. Structure determines function. With ever-complicated structures, all amazing functions can be naturally produced. So the root cause of biological evolution is self-replication, not mutation and natural selection. Although mutation and natural selection are indispensable, they are not scarce resources. Non-living structures are destroyed if they are not adapted to the environment. This is the same as living things. The only difference between non-living and living things is replication.

Definition: The living material is a kind of complex material system with relatively stable special structure. This special structure makes it have the function of maintaining its own structure survival with self-replication under natural conditions.

The secret of human civilization is also replication. Biological traits may change the world, for example, predation, excretion, nesting. Human traits, including people's thoughts may also change the world. Therefore, every new idea of human beings is a new trait.

The rate of replication of biological genes is slow, and cultural genes replicate rapidly. Susan Blackmore call culture gene as meme. A newspaper can copy millions pieces a day. If I have a new idea, writing it in a newspaper and distributing it to millions of people, my thoughts may be copied into the ideas of millions of people. If I speak out my thoughts making videos, and copying them to televisions of millions of households by television signal, it can also become the idea of millions of people. In this way, everyone has added a new trait, which means adding a new ability to change the world. Because of the rapid rate of replication of cultural genes, human civilization has evolved at a much faster rate than biology. The copying of ancient cultures is slow, and the copying of books only by transcribing. Later, the technology of printing gradually developed. In modern society, with cameras and networks, the copying speed of cultural genes soars, and human civilization has reached the level of knowledge explosion.