What is Taiji Evolutionism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-04 | 7272 次浏览 | 分享到:

Every era longs for the development of philosophy, but compared with the natural science, philosophy has always been teetering. Now nobody surprises, it seems that philosophy should be like this. The Taiji Evolutionism is a new system that will completely change the status of philosophy and basic social science and answer a series of problems that have long plagued humanity. The Post- modernism only belongs to the 20th century, the Taiji Evolutionism is the philosophy of the 21st century.

The Taiji Evolutionism includes methodology, world view, and philosophy. We often say that we must change our concepts. Many important concepts in social life come from methodology, world view and philosophy. Methodology includes mathematics, geometry, system theory and logic. The methodology of Taiji Evolutionism only studies the System Theory of Structuralism and Dialectical Logic. These two parts are the weaknesses of current methodology. The System Theory of Structuralism takes structure and feedback as the core concepts and serves as the key to solving many systemic problems, world view issues, and philosophical issues. Marxist dialectics has made everyone dizzy and the dialectical logic seems difficult. It is actually a layer of paper, which is easy to get through.

The world view of Taiji Evolutionism includes Life Philosophy of Survivalism, General Evolutionary History Outlook, Futurology of Universim and Theory of Social Organization. This world view together with The System Theory of Structuralism constitutes a relatively sophis- ticated theory of complex systems. Among them, The General Evolutionary History Outlook can be called the historical philosophy, and it and The Life Philosophy of Survivalism belong to specific philosophy or applied philosophy. The essence of life is the survival of complex structures, and the self-replication of biological complex structures is the key to discover the mystery of life. If we want to answer these questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where do we go? Then we need to resort to general evolutionary theory. The General Evolutionary History Outlook has pioneered the evolutionary model of complex systems. It is believed that the inheritance of cultural genes is the key to the progress of civilization, and there are many similar laws to the inheritance of biological genes. The General Evolutionary History Outlook also proposes four new principles of natural selection, solves the mystery of human origin and believes that humans are the animals who mainly depends on the inheritance of acquired character. The evolution of the world is divided into four phases: the non-biological evolutionary stage, the biological evolutionary stage, the human society evolutionary stage and the artificial intelligence evolutionary stage. The Futurology of Cosmism mainly studies the relationship between AI evolution and human evolution, and how to treat the possibility that robots can extinct human being. The Futurology of Cosmism is both the foundation of the Meta-ethics and the application of the Meta-ethics. Organizational evolution is the main method of human society evolution, so the Theory of Social Organization has a close relationship with the General Evolutionary History Outlook. The Theory of Social Organization studies the law of the formation and evolution of social organizational, which is the foundation of Meta-ethics. Most of the Theory of Social Organization belong to political philosophy.

The philosophy theory of the Taiji Evolutionism includes Meta-ethics, Epistemology, and Ontology. The Meta-ethics can also be called ethical philosophy. It mainly studies people's value outlook. The value outlook is the ultimate criteria for people's behavioral motivation and all values. Valuesinclude the outlook on life, morality, and ethics. The Taiji Evolutionism believes that the ultimate standard of value is individualism, humanism, and evolutionism and their dialectical combination. The Epistemology of Taiji Evolutionism is a reformed empiricism. It recognizes that the alienation of cognition comes from the objective world, but the direct source of objectivity is the stability of cognition, not the objective world itself. At the same time, The Epistemology reveals the origin and essence of intelligence, and puts forward a complete set of truth standards. The Ontology of Taiji Evolutionism is the Dialectical Dualism, which is the dialectical unity of materialism and subjective idealism. Starting from materialism, it is inevitable to launch subjective idealism. Starting from subjective idealism, it is also inevitable to launch materialism. Only the Dialectical Dualism can truly implement practical ideas and principles of seeking truth from facts.

The Guardian of the UK listed in 2013 the twenty most difficult scientific questions in the world today.  1. What is the universe made of? 2. How did life begin? 3. Are we alone in the universe? 4. What makes us human? 5. What is consciousness? 6. Why do we dream? 7. Why is there stuff? 8. Are there other universes? 9. Where do we put all the carbon? 10. How do we get more energy from “the sun”? 11. What is so weird about prime numbers? 12. How do we beat bacteria? 13. Can computers keep getting faster? 14. Will we ever cure cancer? 15. When can I have a robot butler? 16. What is at the bottom of the ocean? 17. What is at the bottom of a black holes? 18. Can we live forever? 19. How do we solve the population problem? 20. Is time travel possible? (Hayley Birch, Colin Stuart and Mun Keat Looi. The 20 Big Questions in Science. The Guardian /home/science. 1 September 2013. https://www.



The Taiji Evolutionism has answered three questions: 2.How did life begin? 4.What makes us human? 15.When can I have a robot butler? (In fact, I have answered two and a half question. The technical aspects of robot have only been briefly described. I mainly discuss whether humans should accept or reject the robot's rule over mankind from the point of view of general evolution and ethics.) The Taiji Evolutionism also has addressed two other issues: 18. Can we live forever? 19. How do we solve the population problem? In addition, The Taiji Evolutionism has also addressed in detail some of the long-running questions that humans have been confused about: Is the world evolving or is it degenerating? What is the driving force behind the evolution of the world? What is the most sacred? What is the standard of justice? Why is there contradictions? How do they unify? Which is right between materialism and idealism? How did intelligence begin? What are the criteria for truth? What is the best strategy for people to live in the society?

The Taiji Evolutionism is not theories piling up randomly, but display some kind of mutual dependence. There are two most important ideas in the System Theory of Structuralism: Structure determines functions, and feedback creates the world. Taiji is yin and yangwhich represent feedback, interaction, circulation, contra- diction and unity of opposites in this theory. Feedback is the core concept of system theory and it runs through all parts of the Taiji Evolutionism. Contradictions are the core concept of dialectics. Dialectics seems to have been abandoned, however, the ontology of Taiji Evolutionism is The Dialectical Dualism that is different from materialism and idealism. People start from their own interests, and after struggle and compromise, they will eventually establish an ethical norm of morality and justice that are good for other people. This is called embrace yang depending yin. At the same time, the Meta-ethics of Dialectical Dualism holds that the fundamental criterion of value is not only humanism but also individualism and evolutionism. All three are the highest standards of value and they are united in opposites. Since Meta-ethics is the basis of epistemology and ontology, these contradictions run through the entire philosophical system.

The Life Philosophy of Survivalism reveals that the essence of life is self-replication. This self-replication is positive feedback, so self-replication is the embodiment of the System Theory of Structuralism. At the same time, the self-replication of life leads to the survival of complex structures, and the complex structure of life determines the complex functions of life. This is also the embodiment of the idea of structure-determines- functional in the System Theory of Structuralism. The essence of life is connected with the mysteries of human social evolution. Understanding life is not the most important thing. The purpose of understanding life is to understand people and human civilization. The survival of cultural genes is the mystery of the evolution of human civilization. The key reason for the survival of cultural genes is also the replication. The replication of symbols and words enables ancient and modern cultures to be transmitted from generation to generation. The fundamental difference between humans and animals is that human survival depends mainly on the inheritance of acquired traits. Human civilization is an acquired trait that does not depend on DNA. The inheritance of these acquired traits depend on the cultural genes. This is not only connected with the essence of life, but also with systemic thinking. Biological, human and artificial intelligence are the three stages of the evolution of complex systems. The speed of evolution is accelerating, and this acceleration is entirely determined by the speed at which genetic material is copied and mutated.

Another consistent concept is survival. The essence of biology is the survival of complex systems. Survival is the result of replication. The nature of human civilization is also the survival of complex systems. All evolution is survival. We cannot choose whether we should be born or not. Survival is helplessness. Evolution is also helplessness. Evolution is the result of surviving and not the result of subject selection. This helplessness is objective necessity. This objective necessity determines the most basic principles of Meta-ethics: individualism, humanism, and evolutionism. These principles are not only the foundation of Meta-ethics and all other ethics, but also the standard of truth and the fundamental starting point and destination of all philosophy and science. The future world will be dominated by AI. This is the inevitable result of evolution. It is beyond our control. Because evolution is the result of surviving. If we do not choose to evolve, civilization is likely to perish.

The Taiji Evolutionism has criticized many existing theories, such as: the current philosophical system is not scientific, information is not a scientific concept, and the second theorem of thermodynamics will not lead to the death of the universe, rehabilitate reductionism, judgment of various existing definitions of life, criticize the Terranism, unveil the realness and goodness, oppose extreme liberalism and extreme collectivism, criticize existing standards of justice, reform empiricism and traditional pragmatism, reshaped the standard of truth, oppose phenomenology, mechanical materialism and objective idealism, point out the nature of dialectical materialism, and so on.

The Taiji Evolutionism has four pursuits in writing. First, take count of heaven and ground. Ontology is heaven, system theory is ground; evolutionism is heaven; indivi- dualism is ground. This book occupies the height of ontology, and takes the basic concept of system theory as the main line. In the values, we will unify social progress and personal interests.

Second, it is comprehensive and profound. Covering key areas of philosophy, reconstructing the philosophical system, through the broad perspective of general evolution to solve the most difficult methodo- logical, world view and philosophical problems.

Third, explain the profound things in a simple way. Language is rigorous and popular, allowing philosophy to bid farewell to cosmic language. The most complicated things are often the simplest, those who think it hard do not understand.

Fourth, the style is normalized. The writing of philosophical works is in the style of natural science works, which is systematic and clear, but it does not scare people with complicated formulas and models.

The Taiji Evolutionism is closely related to Marxism. From a theoretical perspective, both Marxism and Taiji Evolutionism are led by philosophy, but their main body are not  philosophy. The main body of Marxism is political economy and scientific socialism. The main body of the Taiji Evolutionism is General Evolution, Futurology, and Social Organization. They both explain and predict the direction of world development. In philosophy, the Meta-ethics of Taiji Evolutionism is the inheritance and development of Historical Materialism of Marxism, the ontology of The Taiji Evolutionism is the inheritance and transformation of The Dialectical Materialism, and the Dialectical Logic and Epistemology of Taiji Evolutionism also absorb nutrition from Marxism. The topics of Marxist Dialectics of Nature and System Theory of Taiji Evolutionism are basically the same. On the other hand, there are clear difference between Taiji Evolutionism and Marxism in many theories.

In addition to Marxism, the theoretical basis of the Taiji Evolutionism is mainly the modern western natural science and social science theories, including the SCI theories (system theory, cybernetics and information theory), the DSC theories (theory of dissipative structure, synergetics, catastrophe theory), general evolutionary theory, the Meme theory, semiotics, organizational behavior theory, game theory, artificial intelligence theory and various modern Western philosophy, ethics and other theories.