What is Taiji Evolutionism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-04 | 6062 次浏览 | 分享到:

General Evolution, Futurology, and Social Organization. They both explain and predict the direction of world development. In philosophy, the Meta-ethics of Taiji Evolutionism is the inheritance and development of Historical Materialism of Marxism, the ontology of The Taiji Evolutionism is the inheritance and transformation of The Dialectical Materialism, and the Dialectical Logic and Epistemology of Taiji Evolutionism also absorb nutrition from Marxism. The topics of Marxist Dialectics of Nature and System Theory of Taiji Evolutionism are basically the same. On the other hand, there are clear difference between Taiji Evolutionism and Marxism in many theories.

In addition to Marxism, the theoretical basis of the Taiji Evolutionism is mainly the modern western natural science and social science theories, including the SCI theories (system theory, cybernetics and information theory), the DSC theories (theory of dissipative structure, synergetics, catastrophe theory), general evolutionary theory, the Meme theory, semiotics, organizational behavior theory, game theory, artificial intelligence theory and various modern Western philosophy, ethics and other theories.