The Extension of Principle of Natural Selection
来源:"Taiji Evolutionism" Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 3.1, 3.2 | 作者:段勇 | 发布时间: 2023-08-24 | 10455 次浏览 | 分享到:

After humans began to use fire, more and more complex tools were invented, including not only natural tools, but also social tools. Tools can be seen as an extension of human effector organs. But not all people can use all tools, and some groups of people can use only some tools and not others. Some of the reasons are intellectual factors, for example, no knowledge, no ability. Increasing knowledge and skills are increasing of superiors variations. Some reasons are material factors, such as no energy, no capital. Some reasons are social factors, for example, the ruled class lose a lot of rights.

The more tools you can use, the more resources you can use. For example, intellectuals can get better jobs, the ruling class can take possession of the labor of others, and the powerful country can bully the weak country. Having fewer resources means a poor quality of life, or even an inability to survive or raise offspring, and these people may be eliminated. Similarly, weak countries and nations may be eliminated, weak businesses and organizations may be eliminated. The elimination of social organization means that some people's right to use tools is banned. For example, for monarchs, officials and nobles, the state is their instrument, when the state is destroyed, their right to use the instrument is outlawed. For the owners and employees of the enterprise, although the rights are different, the enterprise is the tool of all of them, when the enterprise goes bankrupt, their right to use the tool is banned.

(2)The Principle of the Survival Struggle of Human Groups:

Fact 1: Human groups have limited resources for survival;

Fact 2: Human groups' fertility is excessive;

Conclusion: The majority of human groups is bound to eliminated.

Every group of people needs many of the same and different resources for survival. For example, artists need audiences, the bourgeoisie needs funds, the bureaucratic class needs positions and opportunities for promotion, and so on. All of these resources are limited. The fertility of every group of people is excessive, including the excess of the offspring that each people group directly produces and the excess of the number of people who wish to enter this people group. As the result, most of those who wished to enter were unable to do so, and many of the descendants of this group moved into other groups or died. It is not easy to enter the upper class, for example, the entertainers, the bourgeoisie and the bureaucrat, and it is not easy to enter the lower class, for example, if you want to be a farmer, it is not easy to get a piece of land, and if you want to be a beggar, it is not easy to beg for food.

The ancient population had a high mortality rate, in addition to normal death, there were wars, plagues and natural disasters. The increased ability of modern society to access resources is a reproductive superiority and a survival superiority, resulting in an increase in the birth rate, a sharp decline in the death rate and a sharp increase in the world population, which cannot be sustained in the long run. In the end, there are two possible outcomes, one is the depletion of living resources, environmental degradation, and a renewed increase in mortality. The warning of population explosion has long been sounded, but there is no sign of significant improvement, long this go on our humanitarian will not be sustainable. The second is that human beings actively limit the birth rate, when human fertility is no longer excessive, the principle of human survival struggle can be rewritten. However, this rewriting will not be aimed at all groups of people, most people groups will still adhere to the principle of struggle for survival, such as government officials, celebrities, artists, teachers, entrepreneurs, professional managers and farmers. Some groups can be exempted from resource restrictions, such as housewives and people who enjoy the minimum living allowance. Some groups will extend to all of humanity, such as college students, football fans, amateur chess players, amateur artists, the crowd of gentle people, the crowd of loyal, honest people, etc.