Definition of Information
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJI EVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-04 | 3474 次浏览 | 分享到:


1. Pang Y.Z., Li J.H. Select Sutra Literatures of System Theory Cybernetics and Information Theory. 640 (Qu Shi Publishing House, Beijing, 1989).(in Chinese)

2. Gao D. Order Theory——Essence of Abstract Chinese Traditional Xiang maths and Philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medical Science. 13-14 (Inner Mongolia People Publishing House, Huhehaote, 2002).(in Chinese)

3. Li J.H. Make Friend with Truth: Deep Recollection of Modern Philosophy. 37 (Shanghai Scientific & Technologi-

cal Education Publishing House, Shanghai, 2002).