The Core Argument of the Theory of Taiji Evolutionism (Modified)
来源:The speech draft on the Philosophical meeting in Shanghai in 2020 | 作者:Yong Duan | 发布时间: 2023-08-15 | 12460 次浏览 | 分享到:

Everyone wants to be around people who are kind and helpful so that we can get help ourselves. Therefore, everyone praises the act of helping others, so that the social fashion of helping others can be formed. The fundamental driving force behind this social trend is individualism. This is called basing Yin and holding Yang(负阴而抱阳), Yin is individualism, Yang is humanism. Whether a society is made up of model workers or prisoners, after a period of development, there will be a social trend of helping others. Because its fundamental driving force is individualism.

At the same time, human beings also have a good nature. At the beginning human nature is inherently evil, and at the same time, their nature is inherently kind. This good nature, if encouraged, may develop the acquired character of the adult.

7.3 Evolutionism

Freedom, democracy and fraternity are the core of Western values, freedom is basically equal to individualism, democracy and fraternity are basically equal to humanism. But individualism and humanism alone are not complete; evolutionism is also needed. Prosperity, civilization, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, rationality, science and innovation all belong to evolutionism. Such qualities or changes would make the world more complex and orderly, so they should have the same status as freedom, democracy, and fraternity.

For human society, the three value standards of individualism, humanism and evolutionism are the equal and unified of opposites relationship. Which standard to use in practice should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. But for the evolution of the whole world, evolutionism is the most basic and ultimate standard of value. Because man is a product of evolution, his domination of the world was not from the beginning nor will it last forever. It's just a blip in the whole history. It can be seen from this that the worldview of generalized evolution is the basis of meta-ethics.

Deng Xiaoping said, Development is the hard truth. That is, humanism should be subordinate to evolutionism. Heidegger also believed that humanism should be subordinate to evolutionism, and he hoped that Germany would be strong and prosperous. Heidegger believed that the national heroes he praised belong to the authentic Dasein, and the Dasein that deviated from the national mission and ordinary people belonged to the non-authentic Dasein. Heidegger believed that Hitler could realize his dream of evolutionism, so he supported Hitler, and in 1933 accepted the appointment of the Nazi regime as rector of the University of Freiburg. After World War II, Heidegger came under scrutiny for this matter, but he did not change his evolutionist thought, and he combined evolutionism with the problem of environmental pollution and wrote many works. He has been called the most influential philosopher of the post-war era.