The Extension of Principle of Natural Selection
来源:"Taiji Evolutionism" Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 3.1, 3.2 | 作者:段勇 | 发布时间: 2023-08-24 | 10461 次浏览 | 分享到:

3.2 The Extension of the Principles of Natural Selection, the Survival Struggle and Biological Evolution

Not everything that exists is reasonable, for example, environmental pollution is unreasonable. But everything that exists is the result of variation and natural selection. In other words, everything that exists conforms to the evidence-based positive theory, but not necessarily to the normative theory.

The evolution of human beings and human societies can be understood from two perspectives. The first perspective is the evolution of systems, people are systems, social organizations are systems. After the emergence of human beings, human evolution basically stopped and was replaced by the evolution of organizations. The second perspective is human evolution, that is, human evolution has not stopped, organization is a tool of human beings, organizational evolution enhances human behavior, and is a specific way of human evolution.

Cultural reproduction is the reproduction of cultural genes (Chapter 5, 5.1.1), and growth and development in a broad sense is the formation and development of social organization. Reproduction of higher organisms refers not only to the reproduction of genes, but also to the partial growth and development until new organisms are born. Cultural reproduction also involve partial growth and development until new social organization is formed. For example, the reproduction of enterprises refers to the process from the spread of enterprise organization theory to the emergence of new enterprises. The death of enterprises is the bankruptcy of enterprises. Like living things, the things that exist in human society are the result of natural selection. From the first perspective of view, the principle of natural selection, the principle of struggle for survival and the principle of biological evolution can be extended as follows.

3.2.1 The Principles of Social Organization's Social selection, Survival Struggle and Generalized Evolution

In the natural selection of organisms by environment, subject and object are relative. You can think of living things as subjects and the natural environment as objects. The environment includes other living and non-living things other than the subject. In the natural selection of social organization, the environment includes the people, other social organizations and various living and non-living things. People and social organizations play the main role, which can be called people's choice or social choice.