The Extension of Principle of Natural Selection
来源:"Taiji Evolutionism" Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 3.1, 3.2 | 作者:段勇 | 发布时间: 2023-08-24 | 10504 次浏览 | 分享到:

Culture includes civilization and symbol. The social choice of cultural creative idea includes the choice of civilization and the choice of symbol. Civilization has two ways of being: the material way and the conscious way. For example, a certain automobile manufacturing technology exists both in the car and in the engineer's mind. The reproduction of cultural creative idea includes the process of mutual transformation of civilization and symbols.

When scientific, religious, artistic or other cultural creative ideas are formed, they will be disseminated to the public, this is cultural reproduction, and the number of people who accept them is the effect of cultural reproduction. Denying a cultural idea after it is accepted is equivalent to the death of the biological individual. For a certain cultural creative idea, some people think it is bad, so they do not apply or spread it, this is a kind of denial. Some people think it is good, but because of their own physical limitations or their own death, so that this cultural creative idea can not spread, which is also a denial of this cultural creative idea.

Whether to accept or deny a cultural creative idea is the business of each subject, which depends not only on the cultural creative idea itself, but also on the subject's personal interests, living environment, way of thinking and so on. The development and change of cultural creative idea is the variation of cultural creative idea. Some theories or artistic works are easy to be accepted by people, which is its reproductive superiority. Some theories or artistic works are closely related to people's interests or are protected by the government or have other characteristics that make people difficult to give up, which is its survival superiority.

(1) The Principle of Social Selection of Cultural Creative Idea:

Major premise: A cultural creative idea can exist for a long time only if the growth rate of the number of people who accept it is greater than or equal to the growth rate of the number of people who deny it.