The Dialectical Unity of Subjective and Objective Worlds: Understanding their Interdependent Relationship through Daily Activities
来源:Lecture Notes in Economics, Management and Social Science, Part A, Vol.57 (February 27-28, 2023), pp.57-62. | 作者:Yong Duan | 发布时间: 2023-05-10 | 7200 次浏览 | 分享到:
Abstract: Every day we play games of thought, such as prediction, decision, guess and understanding. These games are indispensable in human production and life, as well as the main content of human civilization and culture. For each of these things, the objective world is a part of the subjective world. This philosophical worldview is a fake but more valuable worldview. This paper analyzes the thought games of decision, prediction, desire, guess, understanding, evaluation, art and religion respectively. Many alternative plans made before decision belong to the subjective world, and one of them will become objective reality. This plan belongs to the objective world, so the objective world is a part of the subjective world. A plan is a systematic decision making over a period of time. Laws, institutions, rules, standards, etc., are systematic decisions for a number of years or all time. In the objective world, there is only the present, without the past and the future. In the subjective world, there can be the past, the present and the future at the same time, so the objective world is a part of the subjective world. This paper also analyzes the conditions for the use of Robert's Rules of procedure.
Key Words: Ontology; World View; Objective World; Subjective World

4. Guess and Robert's Rules of Procedure

4.1 Guess

We often need to guess in our life. For example, after the homicide, policeman identified five suspects. Only one of them was the true murderer, and the guess upon him met the objective facts, while the guess upon other four people did not match the facts, which only existed in the subjective world. But the guess upon other four also had value, policeman could not fail to investigate them.

If the second person was the true murderer, the suspicion of the first person was not objective, which also had the possibility to become a reality in the course of investigation. There was 20% objectivity in the guess if the possibility was 20%. Ultimately it didn't become reality means it was 100% subjective. In this sense, it can be said that objectivity was a part of the subjectivity, objective world was a part of subjective world. The guess of the second person also had the possibility to be falsified before it was proved, that is, there was a certain subjectivity in the guess of the second person. It was eventually confirmed to mean a 100% objectivity. In this sense, it can be said that subjectivity was a part of objectivity, the subjective world was a part of the objective world. The subjective world and the objective world are dialectical unity relationship containing each other.

For another example, after the patient's diarrhea occurs, the doctor has a variety of speculation about the cause. After the decline of enterprise benefits, managers have a variety of speculation about the reasons for the decline. We can only guess, estimate, reason, analyze and judge about many things that cannot be directly observed. These guesses all belong to the subjective world, and only some of them conform to the objective facts. So for these guesses, the objective world is a part of the subjective world.

All scientific and philosophical theories are guesses and understandings about objective things and objective laws. There can be many kinds of guesses and understandings about any one thing or law, often only one of which is in line with the objective reality. So for all scientific and philosophical theories, the objective world is a part of the subjective world.