Popper, Baudrillard, and Blackmore's Cultural Gene
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 11385 次浏览 | 分享到:
Definition of Life and Human
Popper's Theory of the Third World
Baudrillard's Theory of Simulacrum
The Charm and Flaw of Meme Theory

nce, and when the things being imitated become more complex, this difference becomes tremendous. Therefore, rejecting the symbol is equivalent to proclaiming the death sentence to the meme theory. Before the creation of the text, humans could only rely on simple imitations and simple symbols to pass on the culture. The fidelity is very low, so the evolution of human civilization is slow.The generation of words is a milestone in the evolution of human civilization, because the reproduction of texts has a high degree of fidelity and can contain a wealth of information. Because the purpose of meme theory is to explain human civilization, so we cannot ignore this milestone.

Blackmore believes that genes are the real life and they use the biological phenotype as a tool to spread themselves.[12] This view has been recognized by many people. Similarly, we can also say that symbols such as words are real lives. They use people as tools to spread themselves.  In fact, these two views are very biased. The relationship between genes and phenotypes is complementary, mutually dependent and beneficial. It can be compared to walking on two legs. A more appropriate metaphor is yin and yang of Taiji. So my theory is called “Taiji evolutionism”.

Why are two complex and ordered systems produced simultaneously in the evolution of biology and human society? Because these two systems have their own fatal flaws, they must rely on each other. The disadvantage of organisms and human society is that it is not easy to copy. It is not possible to directly duplicate an organism with the original organism as the mother board. Even though it is possible it may be slow and error-prone. Only genetic material can be reliably reproduced in large numbers and then create new biological entities using genetic material as the mother board. Similarly, civilizations such as human consciousness, tools, productions, and social organiza- tions cannot be directly copied in large number. Only symbols such as words and videos