Ethics Based on Utility and Social Struggle
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJI EVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-05 | 12542 次浏览 | 分享到:
Ⅰ. Start with the Right of Embryo and Chimera
Ⅱ. Utilitarianism
Ⅲ. Definition of Good and Evil
Ⅳ. The Definition and Criterion of Justice
Ⅴ. Justice Criterion on Different Relations
of Benefits
Ⅵ. The Source of Human Rights
Ⅶ. The Principle of Equality

 Sacrifice of soldiers on the battle fields is the means to protect others.

There are up-up relations everywhere, which is accepted willingly and almost never arouse contradiction, and is the basis of cooperation and unification of benefit. In this case, benefit of each person is the criterion of justice and ought to be improved.

Theorem: Benefit of each person is the criterion of justice when benefits of people are in the up-up relation.

The up-down relation is able to be transformed into up-up, if people change the conditions in a proper way, to realize win-win and avoid struggle. For example, everyone obey the transportation rules and build some flyovers. The concrete ways to make win-win, therefore, should be sought and made as more as possible, which is also a kind of justice, a more important justice.

Theorem: The effort to seek and make concrete ways to realize win-win is justice.

The win-win is harmony, which is possible to reach the Pareto Optimality. Everyone is keen on wealth, and the best way is by up-up.

Love or benevolence is an important way to change the up-down to the up-up besides even bargain. Confucius and Jesus discovered the function of love, so they dedicated their lives to promote it.

The even bargain is also an important way to win-win. Adam Smith submitted, in An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations, the principle of personal utility, invisible hand and even bargain. As a result, the British Premier at that time called him “teacher”.

Immanuel Kant was wrong to say that it has not genuine moral worth to help others from inclination.29 In fact, this kind of action is one of the best ways to realize win-win, and should be advocatedKant regard the good, not from inclination but from duty, as a moral worth and beyond all comparison the highest.30 As a matter of fact, this kind of good was advocated in Mao Zedong's era, but produced the reverse, the public morals declined greatly, which would not have happened if the good from inclination had been advocated. To help others from inclination is usually a fair bargain. The dedication from duty is unfair bargain, which is impossible to be permanence. The society gives dedicating people great honor to make the bargain fair, but still many people do not regard the honor worthy enough for the material loss.

Justice is the general and basic criterion, to which no violation is allowed. Good is a higher criterion which is not general. The society reward good, but should not force everybody to perform it. Kant and Mao were not strong enough to fight against the principle of utility.

Ⅵ. The Source of Human Rights

Justice is realized mostly by selfishness in competition, many of which are very cruel with sacrifice of many lives. By comparison, good is to offer one's own benefit to others, and therefore possibly makes him lose in competition. So justice can not be realized only rely on good characters.

Bentham said, “whatever is given for law by the person or persons recognized as possessing the power of making laws, is law.”