Ⅷ Explanation of Quantum Mechanics Paradox
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 4313 次浏览 | 分享到:

Truth can be say, but it is not the real truth. So we can assume that the so-called superposition of the alive cat and the dead cat is not real in reality.

It should be noted that some people now confuse the non-decisiveness of microscopic particles with the non-decisiveness of consciousness. For example, Christian List, a philosopher at the London School of Economics and Political, said, If a level is deterministic, it can be completely non-deterministic at higher and lower levels.

People have free will, because people are complex systems, proteins have huge molecular weights, their structures and functions are extremely complex, and people's organs and nervous systems are more complex. Scientists do not know how the brain works, so we can only admit that the brain has free will. However, microscopic particles are simple systems. Recognizing that a simple system has free will is totally a betrayal of the scientific spirit. No matter how difficult it is to solve the task of quantum mechanics paradoxes, we cannot admit that a simple system is free. With the advancement of science, the non-determinism of biology and human will gradually disappear. Our understanding of biology and people is increasing. Many things that used to be considered living and free have gradually become dead. When we can accurately describe the working process of the brain, we can say that people are machines.