Popper, Baudrillard, and Blackmore's Cultural Gene
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 11383 次浏览 | 分享到:
Definition of Life and Human
Popper's Theory of the Third World
Baudrillard's Theory of Simulacrum
The Charm and Flaw of Meme Theory

, and EE (error-elimination) is consists of a severe critical examination of our conjecture.[3]

The genetic material of an organism is first tran- scribed into messenger RNA, and then translated into the structure of protein, which forms tissues, organs, and creatures. In the process of human learning, cultural genes, ie. concepts and theories as written symbols, must also be transcribed to consciousness in the human mind, and then translated to production, that is, under the control of consciousness, to establish social organizations and change the world. Although Popper did not use the term cultural gene, he pointed out the cultural functions of the third world: if the library and our ability to learn from it still existed, our world would run again after heavy losses. If all libraries are destroyed ... there will be no re-emergency of our civilization for many millennia.[4]

Popper emphasized that the problems of the third world are more important than the problems of the second world.[5] We should regard it as that cultural genes, cultural reproductions, and mutations are more important than the process of translating cultural genes into consciousness and consciousness translation into generalized phenotypes (transformation of the world). The existence of each individual organism is only a means of narrow evolution of the gene. The existence of each person's behavior and psychology is only the means of the general evolution of cultural genes. Biological genes are the main body of biological evolution, phenotypes are not the main body; cultural genes are the main body of human civilization evolution, human and human consciousness is not the main body. This is similar to Blackmore's opinion, but Popper is not clear enough, far inferior to Blakemore in depth and breadth.


Baudrillard's Theory of Simulacrum

Baudrillard put forward the theory of the three orders of simulacra in the book Symbollic Exchange and Death. He believes that the three orders of the simulacra match the mutations of the law of value and have been progressed since the Renaissance. 1)The counterfeit is the dominant mode of reproduction of artworks during Classical period from the the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, with only fake product being added in addition to the original; 2)Production is the dominant mode of the industrial age, for example, famous paintings can be printed and reproduce, and the invisible hand of the market law plays a regulatory role; 3)Simulation by computer is the dominant mode in the current era under the control of code. It follows the “law of structural value.”[6]

Baudrillard's simulacrum is the reproduction of symbols. Calligraphy, poetry, music and film and televi- sion are symbols. However, he did not notice that not only works of art can be copied, but scientific works, daily necessities, political and economic documents, etc. can be copied. Therefore, the word “simulacrum” is not appro