Thoroughly Criticize Objective Idealism
来源:COLLECTIONS OF TAIJIEVOLUTIONISM | 作者:YONG DUAN | 发布时间: 2021-11-06 | 11964 次浏览 | 分享到:

alive. So the theory of starting point and process of deduction is more abundant. Although Hegel's interpretation of the world woven in the logic is completely wrong, his theory still has great value.

In the second stage of the development of philosophy, Descartes created subjective idealism, so it was recognized that Descartes was the founder of modern philosophy. The criticism of objective idealism by subjective idealism is correct, but objective idealism didn't die. Many philosophers such as Leibniz, Nietzsche, Hegel and Heidegger are objective idealists. It was even pushed into climax by Hegel. The criticism to materialism by subjective idealism is right and wrong, and the materialism of France, Soviet Union and China continued to develop. On the whole, a tripartite situation has been formed. Philosophical ontology has always circled in situ and cannot produce a universally recognized theoretical system. The problem will be completely resolved only after the dialectical unity of materialism and subjective idealism.

In the third stage, the subjective idealism and mate- rialism realized the dialectical unity, formed Dialectical Dualism. The third stage has no position of objective idealism. It should exit the stage of history in the second stage. We must resolutely criticize objective idealism while also criticizing objective idealism hidden in materialism and subjective idealism.


1.Aristotle.(2016). Metaphysics. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by C.D.C. Reeve. Indianapolis; Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, p.19.

2. Hegel,G.W.F.(1980). The Encyclopaedia Logic. A New Translation with Introduction and Notes by T.F.Geraets, W.A.Suchting, and H.S.Harris. Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., Indianapolis/Cambridge, p.30.

3. Heidegger,M.(1991). Nietzsche. Translated by David Farrell krell. New York: Harper San Francisco, p.173.

4. Cramer, F. (1993). Chaos and Order (The Complex Structure of Living System). Translated by D. I. Loewus. Weinheim: VCH, p.2.

5. Heidegger,M.(1991). Nietzsche. Translated by David Farrell Krell. New York: Harper San Francisco, p.175.

6. Zhang, X.L.(2003). Toward Event Itself--Introduction to Phenomenology, Seven Lectures. Beijing: United Press, p.7.(In Chinese)