The Extension of Principle of Natural Selection
来源:"Taiji Evolutionism" Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 3.1, 3.2 | 作者:段勇 | 发布时间: 2023-08-24 | 13120 次浏览 | 分享到:

3.1 The Principle of Organisms' Natural Selection, Survival Struggle and Biological Evolution

There are two kinds of natural selection: those with human participation and those without human participation. Natural selection without human participation includes natural selection of organisms by environment and natural selection of non-organisms by environment. Natural selection with human participation is also called social selection.

The process of organism (as a subject) accepts natural selection is a process of interaction between subject and object. There are two kinds of results of the interaction: the subject continues to survive, the subject is destroyed and no longer survives. The members of the subject's environment that can cause the subject to continue to survive are called the members that are beneficial to the subject, referred to as interests or resources; The members of the environment that can cause the destruction of the subject are called the members that are harmful to the subject, referred to as harm. Not all members of the object can interact with the subject. If the subject can choose the objective members, actively interact with the beneficial members and actively avoid interacting with the harmful members, this behavior of the subject is called seeking interests and avoiding harm. The process of interaction with beneficial members is the process of resource utilization.

Fang Zhouzi organizes Darwin's Principle of Natural Selection into the following four facts and two inferences:

Fact 1: Life resources are limited;

Fact 2: Biological fertility is excessive;

Corollary 1: The vast majority of an organism's offspring must perish (struggle for life);

Fact 3: Heritable variation exists among offspring of organisms;

Fact 4: Different variation may have different survival and reproductive abilities;

Corollary 2: The inferior variation will gradually be eliminated, and the superior variation will survive and be left to future generations (natural selection) (Fang Zhouzi. "Search for the Logic of Life: The Development of Biological concepts". Shanghai Transportation University Press,2005,pp.32.)

In the past, Darwin and many scholars expressed the theory of natural selection very complicated, not accurate and clear, Fang Zhouzi's expression is the most concise, including not only the description of the principle of natural selection and the principle of survival struggle, but also the reasoning and proof process of these principles. But there are still three problems with this formulation of natural selection:

    First, what is superior variation and what is inferior variation need to be strictly defined.

Second, there is a major premise implied in the derivation of corollary 2, that is, the condition that any organism can survive in nature is that the rate of reproduction of this organism is greater than or equal to the rate of death. The principle of natural selection is often expressed as survival of the fittest, so what is the fittest? Some people say that the fittest is able to adapt to the environment, what is called to adapt to the environment, is able to survive. This is tautology. The real meaning of survival of the fittest is that only when the rate of reproduction is greater than or equal to the rate of death, such creatures can survive in nature.

Thirdly, the natural selection and the struggle for survival are two independent principles, and the struggle for survival is not a prerequisite for natural selection. At certain times in history, when resources were relatively abundant, the vast majority of organism's offspring can survive, and the natural environment still selected organisms. However, the result of natural selection may not be the evolution of organisms, and the inferior organisms can survive.

Therefore, the principle of natural selection of organisms should be modified as follow.

(1)The Principle of Natural Selection of Organisms:

Major premise: the condition that any organism can survive in nature is that the rate of reproduction of this organism is greater than or equal to the rate of death;

Minor premise: There are heritable variations among the offsprings of organisms; Some variations make organisms reproduce faster than other organisms, which is called having greater reproductive capacity; Some variations cause organisms to die at a slower rate than others, which is called as having greater survivability. The variation with greater reproductive ability and greater survival ability is the superior variation, and the opposite variation is the inferior variation.

Conclusion: The inferior variation is easy to be eliminated, the superior variation is easy to survive and leave to the offspring.

(2)The Principle of Biological Survival Struggle.

Fact 1: Survival resources are limited;

Fact 2: Biological fertility is excessive;

Conclusion: Most of the offspring of living things must perish.

The two facts here are both minor premises, the major premise is that living things must perish when they do not have enough resources to survive. By perish, I mean the inability to reproduce. Overreproduction makes the survival of organisms very competitive, the rate of death is very high, so that only a few of the most superior organisms can survive. The result of the combination of survival struggle and natural selection is biological evolution, that is, the conclusion of the principle of natural selection is the major premise, the principle of survival struggle is the minor premise, and the following biological evolution principle is concluded.

(3)The Principle of Biological Evolution:

Major premise: The inferior variation is easy to be eliminated, and the superior variation is easy to survive and leave to the offspring.

Minor premise: The vast majority of the offspring of organisms must perish;

Conclusion: The inferior variations of organisms must be gradually eliminated, and the superior variations can survive and be left to the offspring.

The so-called biological elimination refers to the complete extinction of a certain structure of organisms. Survival and elimination are directly related to the number of organisms, not directly related to the reproduction rate and death rate. When an organism mutates, it directly affects the rate of reproduction or death, not the number of organisms. When the rate of reproduction is less than the rate of death, organisms may survive for a long time, but if this speed difference is maintained, organisms will inevitably become extinct. Therefore, natural selection of organisms must be linked to the rate of reproduction and death.

The phenomenon that the rate of reproduction is greater than the rate of death cannot be maintained for a long time, the number of any organism is bound to be limited by the environment. When the time is long enough, the average rate of reproduction of organisms must be equal to the rate of death. 

3.2 The Extension of the Principles of Natural Selection, the Survival Struggle and Biological Evolution

Not everything that exists is reasonable, for example, environmental pollution is unreasonable. But everything that exists is the result of variation and natural selection. In other words, everything that exists conforms to the evidence-based positive theory, but not necessarily to the normative theory.

The evolution of human beings and human societies can be understood from two perspectives. The first perspective is the evolution of systems, people are systems, social organizations are systems. After the emergence of human beings, human evolution basically stopped and was replaced by the evolution of organizations. The second perspective is human evolution, that is, human evolution has not stopped, organization is a tool of human beings, organizational evolution enhances human behavior, and is a specific way of human evolution.

Cultural reproduction is the reproduction of cultural genes (Chapter 5, 5.1.1), and growth and development in a broad sense is the formation and development of social organization. Reproduction of higher organisms refers not only to the reproduction of genes, but also to the partial growth and development until new organisms are born. Cultural reproduction also involve partial growth and development until new social organization is formed. For example, the reproduction of enterprises refers to the process from the spread of enterprise organization theory to the emergence of new enterprises. The death of enterprises is the bankruptcy of enterprises. Like living things, the things that exist in human society are the result of natural selection. From the first perspective of view, the principle of natural selection, the principle of struggle for survival and the principle of biological evolution can be extended as follows.

3.2.1 The Principles of Social Organization's Social selection, Survival Struggle and Generalized Evolution

In the natural selection of organisms by environment, subject and object are relative. You can think of living things as subjects and the natural environment as objects. The environment includes other living and non-living things other than the subject. In the natural selection of social organization, the environment includes the people, other social organizations and various living and non-living things. People and social organizations play the main role, which can be called people's choice or social choice.

Natural selection is reciprocal, with the environment selecting organisms (including humans) and organisms selecting their environment. The method of natural selection in the narrow sense is to kill and let the sick and weak die, and the method chosen by human society is mainly to kill, too, without which there is no harmony. The meaning of death or elimination in the broad sense of natural selection has expanded, not only to be killed, but also to include the elimination of theories and works of art, the elimination of businesses and organizations, and the elimination in sports competitions and so on.

(1) The Principle of Social Selection of Social Organization

Major premise: the condition that any kind of social organization can survive is that the rate of reproduction of this social organization is greater than or equal to the rate of death;

Minor premise: There is imitable variation between social organizations; Some variations make social organizations reproduce faster than others, which is called having greater reproductive capacity; Some variants cause organizations to eliminate at a slower rate than others, which is called having greater survival capacity. The variations with greater reproductive ability and greater survival ability are the superior variations, and the opposite variations are the inferior variations.

Conclusion: The inferior variation of social organization is easy to be eliminated, and the superior variation of social organization is easy to survive and pass on to other organizations.

If big enterprises fail faster than they are born (for example, if the government cracks down on monopolies). After a certain period of time, there will be no big enterprises in society; If the rate of bankruptcy of small enterprises is greater than the formation rate of new enterprises, after a period of time, there will be no small enterprises in the society, and it will become a pure monopoly economy. Other organizations also have the rate of reproduction or death, including literary and technological groups, trade unions, charities, hospitals, schools, and so on. Each kind of organization can be divided into many kinds, for example, schools can be divided into universities, secondary schools, primary schools, public and private schools, as well as a variety of new educational institutions. The condition of any organization to survive is that the rate of reproduction is greater than or equal to the rate of death.

The reproduction of government is the process from the spread of political ideas to the emergence of new governments. Many new regimes will appear when the world is in chaos. Sometimes regimes die. If the death rate of the regimes is greater than the rate of birth, after a period of time there will be no government in society, and the phenomenon of power vacuum has often appeared in history.

When there is a power vacuum, the speed of the emergence of new regimes will be accelerated, so there cannot be a long-term power vacuum. Political history is mainly the history of the continuous emergence and death of regimes. There are now more than 200 governments in the world, and they are all survivors, that is a state in which the emergence and death of regimes have maintained an equal and stable rate at a certain stage. In the process of election, many small parties will appear, and after a period of development, these small parties will gradually conbine or dissolve. If the speed of extinction is greater than the speed to emerge, several large parties will take turns to govern the situation.

The surviving organizations have many advantages variations, which mainly refer to advanced management methods, including development strategy, operation mode, organizational culture, organizational system, etc. The variation of organizations mainly refers to the variation of organizational management theories. For example, there are new educational theories and new training directions in schools, new art forms, new ways of communication, new means of fund-raising in literary and art groups, and new ruling ideas put forward or accepted by governments. The emergence of some new management theory often leads to the emergence of a large number of new organizations, which is the reproductive superiority. At the same time, many new management theories can also make organizations improve themselves, enhance their ability to resist risks, which is the survival superiority. The imitation of organization includes direct imitation by language or demonstration, but much more imitations are theoretical imitations which are based on the medium of words and symbols, write and read books or articles, and so on.

(2) The Principle of the Survival Struggle of Social Organizations

Fact 1: Social organizations have limited resources to survive;

Fact 2: The reproductive ability of social organization is excessive;

Conclusion: Most social organizations are bound to perish.

Many people with ideals and aspirations want to start their own businesses, set up their own businesses or other organizations, or even establish political power, so the reproductive capacity of new organizations is always excessive. Every organization needs resources to survive, for example, businesses need markets, raw materials and human resources, political parties need voters and funds.

(3) The Principle of Generalized Evolution of Social Organization

Major premise: The inferior variation of social organization is easy to be eliminated, and the superior variation of social organization is easy to survive and pass on to other organizations.

Minor premise: Most social organizations are bound to perish.

Conclusion: The inferior variation of social organization are bound to be perish, and the superior variation of social organization can survive for long time and pass on to other organizations.

The variation of non-living things affects only one individual, while the variation of living things affects a group of individuals, so the evolution rate of living things is much higher than that of non-living things, and the fundamental reason for this high rate is the reproduction of living things. The evolution of consciousness and social organization has more in common with biological evolution than with non-biological evolution. So the main cause of the struggle for survival and evolution of social organizations is the same as that of organisms caused by excess fertility.

Theorem: Overreproduction and competition for survival are necessary conditions for the evolution of organisms, as well as for the evolution of people, cultural genes, and social organizations.

The role of overreproduction and competition for survival in social evolution has many manifestations, such as the following:

First, if the number of enterprises is small, naturally there is no sense of crisis, and even monopoly can be achieved. Only when the number of enterprises is large, especially when a large number of new enterprises emerge, the formation of a buyer's market and fierce competition, enterprises have the motivation to improve themselves.

Second, scientific and technological dissemination is cultural reproduction, and large-scale dissemination is overreproduction. Overreproduction allows different theories to compete on a wide range, good theories are sought after, poor theories are ignored, then scientific and technological progress is promoted.

Third, if there is only one party, there will be dictatorship. Fierce competition among multiple parties will give incentive to improve oneself.

Fourth, in troubled times, many strong people make fierce competition, so many heroes appear. In peacetime, according to seniority, there is no competition and opportunities, so talent is buried.

Overreproduction is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the formation of competition for survival. For example, in the era of planned economy, there were many enterprises, but there was no need to compete for survival.

Theorem: The sufficient conditions for the formation of survival competition have four items: overreproduction, limited survival resources, the amount of resources obtained by each competing agent is related to its behavior, and the behavior of the competing agent can be changed.

3.2.2 The Principles of Natural Selection, Survival Struggle and Generalized Evolution of Human Groups

For different groups of people, the principles of natural selection, the principles of struggle for survival, and the principles of biological evolution can be extended as follows.

(1)The Principle of Natural Selection of Human Groups:

Major premise: the condition that any group of people can survive is that the rate of increase of people in this group is greater than or equal to the rate of disappear;

Minor premise: There is heritable variation among members of various groups of people; Some variations make the increase rate of new members more than other groups, which is called having greater reproductive capacity; Some variantions cause a group to lose members at a slower rate than other groups, which is called having greater survival capacity. The variation with greater reproductive ability and greater survival ability is the superior variation, and the opposite variation is the inferior variation.

Conclusion: Inferior variation of human groups is easy to be eliminated, superior variation is easy to survive and pass on to other people.

Increase and decrease of a group of people include the birth and death of individuals in the group and the change of identity. Heredity in the people group includes narrow heredity and generalized heredity, the generalized heredity is the heredity of cultural gene. The heredity of cultural genes is not just the heredity to future generations, but also the transmission of ideas between all people, and even variations in children can be passed on to parents. 

People groups include nationality, class, stratum and organization, etc., and also include people who are classified by various other characteristics of people, such as tall people, fat people, people with certain special skills, kind people, loyal, honest people and people of different occupations. A group of people is similar to a population of organisms, and the rise and fall of a group of people is similar to the rise and fall of a population of organisms. However, reproduction of people group includes both narrow and generalized heredity.

In history, many nations, classes, strata and organizations were eliminated, such as hereditary aristocracy, slave-owning class, Xiongnu, Xianbei and other nationalities, these groups did not have reproductive and survival superiors. On the contrary, the Han nationality, intellectual class, artists and other groups have reproductive superiors and survival superiors. Their superior variations are mainly the variation of cultural genes, and the inheritance of cultural genes is mainly realized through learning after birth. It should be noted that the inheritance of cultural genes can often transcend the people groups and be shared by all people. However, many cultural genes are more easily inherited within the group, especially in ancient times, it is difficult to share cultural genes. The sharing of cultural genes is the result and symbol of social evolution. With the exception of ethnicity, nobility, caste, etc., the identity of a person cannot be determined at birth, but needs to be determined after cultural heredity.

After humans began to use fire, more and more complex tools were invented, including not only natural tools, but also social tools. Tools can be seen as an extension of human effector organs. But not all people can use all tools, and some groups of people can use only some tools and not others. Some of the reasons are intellectual factors, for example, no knowledge, no ability. Increasing knowledge and skills are increasing of superiors variations. Some reasons are material factors, such as no energy, no capital. Some reasons are social factors, for example, the ruled class lose a lot of rights.

The more tools you can use, the more resources you can use. For example, intellectuals can get better jobs, the ruling class can take possession of the labor of others, and the powerful country can bully the weak country. Having fewer resources means a poor quality of life, or even an inability to survive or raise offspring, and these people may be eliminated. Similarly, weak countries and nations may be eliminated, weak businesses and organizations may be eliminated. The elimination of social organization means that some people's right to use tools is banned. For example, for monarchs, officials and nobles, the state is their instrument, when the state is destroyed, their right to use the instrument is outlawed. For the owners and employees of the enterprise, although the rights are different, the enterprise is the tool of all of them, when the enterprise goes bankrupt, their right to use the tool is banned.

(2)The Principle of the Survival Struggle of Human Groups:

Fact 1: Human groups have limited resources for survival;

Fact 2: Human groups' fertility is excessive;

Conclusion: The majority of human groups is bound to eliminated.

Every group of people needs many of the same and different resources for survival. For example, artists need audiences, the bourgeoisie needs funds, the bureaucratic class needs positions and opportunities for promotion, and so on. All of these resources are limited. The fertility of every group of people is excessive, including the excess of the offspring that each people group directly produces and the excess of the number of people who wish to enter this people group. As the result, most of those who wished to enter were unable to do so, and many of the descendants of this group moved into other groups or died. It is not easy to enter the upper class, for example, the entertainers, the bourgeoisie and the bureaucrat, and it is not easy to enter the lower class, for example, if you want to be a farmer, it is not easy to get a piece of land, and if you want to be a beggar, it is not easy to beg for food.

The ancient population had a high mortality rate, in addition to normal death, there were wars, plagues and natural disasters. The increased ability of modern society to access resources is a reproductive superiority and a survival superiority, resulting in an increase in the birth rate, a sharp decline in the death rate and a sharp increase in the world population, which cannot be sustained in the long run. In the end, there are two possible outcomes, one is the depletion of living resources, environmental degradation, and a renewed increase in mortality. The warning of population explosion has long been sounded, but there is no sign of significant improvement, long this go on our humanitarian will not be sustainable. The second is that human beings actively limit the birth rate, when human fertility is no longer excessive, the principle of human survival struggle can be rewritten. However, this rewriting will not be aimed at all groups of people, most people groups will still adhere to the principle of struggle for survival, such as government officials, celebrities, artists, teachers, entrepreneurs, professional managers and farmers. Some groups can be exempted from resource restrictions, such as housewives and people who enjoy the minimum living allowance. Some groups will extend to all of humanity, such as college students, football fans, amateur chess players, amateur artists, the crowd of gentle people, the crowd of loyal, honest people, etc.

(3)The Principle of Generalized Evolution of Human Groups:

Major premise: Inferior variation of human groups is easy to be eliminated, superior variation is easy to survive and pass on to other people.

Minor premise: The majority of the human groups is bound to eliminated.

Conclusion: The inferior variation of the human groups must be gradually eliminated, the superior variation can survive and pass on to others.

This principle has dominated the whole history of mankind in the past, but now no gentle person want to see mankind pay too cruel a price for progress. Progress and humanism are a contradiction that is difficult to balance. If some people groups no longer have to struggle for survival in the future, then it will be difficult for them to evolve, but the good news is that other people groups who have to struggle for survival will continue to evolve.

Among organisms, higher organisms generally have powerful effector organs and thus reside at the upper level of the food chain, while lower organisms generally have poorer effector organs and reside at the lower level of the food chain. The same is true of human beings, those who have more tools can be in the upper class, and those who have less tools are in the lower class. In human competition, the upper class has advantage, that is, the class that holds the advanced organization has advantage, and can occupy upper level resources. Therefore, in the evolution of human beings and social organizations, natural selection also has a preference for evolution.

In ancient times, the hereditary hierarchy was generally practiced, so that the descendants of the upper classes were also at the top. However, there is a significant difference between humans and animals or plants, the genetic material of the offspring of animals and plants is exactly the same as that of their parents, while the inheritance of humans is incomplete. The inheritance of animals and plants is completed before the birth of the offspring once for all, and the genetic process of humans can continue until the death of the offspring, that is, lifelong education. Therefore the genetic integrity is related to the life activities of the offspring, that is to say, studiousness can master more knowledge and increase ability. Moreover, the source of genetic material obtained by human offspring is not limited to parents, so that the offspring of the lower class can become the upper class, and the hereditary status of the hierarchy is constantly challenged. The lower class of the common people also dare to say, “Is the emperor appointed by heaven?” the concept of natural human rights can be supported by the majority of people.

3.2.3 The Principle of Social Selection, Survival Struggle and Generalized Evolution of Cultural Creative Idea

Culture is the whole acquired trait of human beings, including all human innovations in history and in the future. Cultural creative idea is content of culture. Science, religion and art are all cultural creative idea. However, the term cultural creative idea emphasizes the new creation of human beings. Human social organization is a group of people with responsibility, rights and interests, and it is a kind of human civilization. So the principle of natural selection, survival struggle and generalized evolution of social organization is an application of the principle of natural selection, survival struggle and generalized evolution of cultural creative idea. But cultural creative idea is often not exclusive to one organization or one group of people. There is a lot of variation in organizations and people, and these variations include cultural creative idea and human biological variations..

Culture includes civilization and symbol. The social choice of cultural creative idea includes the choice of civilization and the choice of symbol. Civilization has two ways of being: the material way and the conscious way. For example, a certain automobile manufacturing technology exists both in the car and in the engineer's mind. The reproduction of cultural creative idea includes the process of mutual transformation of civilization and symbols.

When scientific, religious, artistic or other cultural creative ideas are formed, they will be disseminated to the public, this is cultural reproduction, and the number of people who accept them is the effect of cultural reproduction. Denying a cultural idea after it is accepted is equivalent to the death of the biological individual. For a certain cultural creative idea, some people think it is bad, so they do not apply or spread it, this is a kind of denial. Some people think it is good, but because of their own physical limitations or their own death, so that this cultural creative idea can not spread, which is also a denial of this cultural creative idea.

Whether to accept or deny a cultural creative idea is the business of each subject, which depends not only on the cultural creative idea itself, but also on the subject's personal interests, living environment, way of thinking and so on. The development and change of cultural creative idea is the variation of cultural creative idea. Some theories or artistic works are easy to be accepted by people, which is its reproductive superiority. Some theories or artistic works are closely related to people's interests or are protected by the government or have other characteristics that make people difficult to give up, which is its survival superiority.

(1) The Principle of Social Selection of Cultural Creative Idea:

Major premise: A cultural creative idea can exist for a long time only if the growth rate of the number of people who accept it is greater than or equal to the growth rate of the number of people who deny it.

Minor premise: There are imitable variations among cultural creative ideas. Some variations make such cultural creative ideas easy to be accepted by people, which is reproductive superiority. Some variations make such cultural creative ideas difficult to be denied, which is survival superiority. The opposite variations is inferior variations.

Conclusion: The superior variations of cultural creative ideas are easy to be accepted by the public and exist for a long time, while the inferior variations of cultural creative ideas are easy to be eliminated.

Before the appearance of word, the imitation of cultural creative ideas was direct imitation through language. After the appearance of writing, there are still many direct imitation, but most of imitation is not direct, based on words and symbols. People's ability to accept cultural creative ideas is limited, which is very prominent in the era of information explosion. In ancient times, the amount of information is not large, but the working people's cultural level is very low. The reproductive ability of cultural creative ideas has long exceeded the public's ability to accept. Similar to the unknowable theorem of the human world, cultural creative idea also has an unknowable theorem: the vast majority of cultural creative ideas that has ever appeared can not be understood by people.

(2) The Principle of Survival Struggle of Cultural Creative Ideas:

Fact 1: People's ability to accept cultural creative ideas is limited;

Fact 2: Cultural creative ideas increase and be reproduced faster and faster;

Conclusion: Most cultural creative ideas cannot be accepted by the public.

Commodity innovation belongs to cultural creative idea. Britt's theorem, proposed by British advertising expert S Britt, points out that the commodity is not advertised, just like a girl delivering a lovely glance to a young man in the dark, and only she knows.

(3) The Principle of Generalized Evolution of Cultural Creative Ideas:

Major premise: The superior variations of cultural creative ideas are easy to be accepted by the public and exist for a long time, while the inferior variations of cultural creative ideas are easy to be eliminated.

Minor premise: Most cultural creative ideas cannot be accepted by the public.

Conclusion: The inferior variations of cultural creative ideas are bound to be eliminated, and only a few of cultural creative ideas with superior variation can be accepted by the public and exist for a long time.

The civilization we see today is only a small fraction of the total human civilization, most of which has died out. These include the total extinction like the Mayan culture, as well as the part extinction during the emergence and development of existing civilizations. However, some contents may be rediscovered, including the discovery of relics of the past (not only ancient), and the discovery of written symbols of the past. Once discovered, it may be accepted by people, or it may be put back under dust.

People's negation of cultural creative ideas includes the negation of ideas and the negation of symbols. In ancient times, when people disapproved of a prescription or a book, they not only stopped reading it, they threw it away or burned it. Therefore, cultural creative idea that is not accepted by others cannot survive for a long time. Modern society has the idea of preserving archives, and the state has the system of preserving archives and books. This system means that there will always be people who accept these cultural ideas, even if they do not want to read or study them, but at least they will preserve the symbols. Therefore, during a long time the rate of increase of the number of people who accept these cultural ideas will not be less than the rate who reject them. The two rates will be equal for a long time for books that have been buried in dust.

3.2.4 The Principle of Natural Selection, Survival Struggle and Generalized Evolutionary of Cultural Gene

Words and symbols are the memes (cultural genes) of human being, and cultural creative ideas can be preserved in the form of cultural gene. The gene of organism cannot be separated from the phenotype, once all the biological individuals of a species have died, the genetic material of that species does not exist. However, human memes of human individual can exist independently, and memes such as text, drawing, model, and video can be preserved for a long time. So theories and all kind of cultural creative ideas can come to light after buried thousands of years and be accepted by the public.

Still, there were plenty of lost memes. The damage speed of different media is different, the natural damage speed of paper products is very slow, and the natural damage speed of stone carving, lacquer painting and other products is even slower, which is the survival superiority; The natural destruction rate of models, audio and video products is much faster, which can be called a survival inferiority. In addition, various natural and man-made disasters will greatly accelerate the speed of cultural gene destruction. Sometimes people intentionally destroyed cultural genes, such as the burning of books by the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, the destruction of Buddhas in many dynasties, attacks by political enemies against each other and alter the contents of documents, and the destruction of evidence by criminals. Books related to politics and social beliefs are easy to be destroyed, which is survival inferiority; Books related to entertainment, meals, medicine, etc., are not easy to be destroyed, which is survival superiority. Cultural genes that are accepted by the public will be copied in large numbers, which is reproductive superiority, while most cultural genes that cannot be published publicly do not have reproductive advantages.

(1)The Principle of Natural Selection of Memes:

Major premise: The condition that the cultural gene is not extinct is that the speed of reproduction is greater than the speed of destruction;

Minor premise: There are heritable variations among cultural genes, some of which make the cultural gene reproduce in large numbers, which is reproductive superiority, some make the cultural gene not easily damaged, which is survival superiority; The opposite variations are inferior variations.

Conclusion: The cultural gene with superior variations is not easily lost, the cultural gene with inferior variations is easily lost.

The ability of human beings to preserve cultural genes is limited. A person can have a few thousand books and the number of books of public libraries is also limited. The number of cultural genes is very large, and now the circulation of books, audio and video products is increasing, and the internet information is rapidly expanding, so most of the cultural genes are bound to be destroyed. In order to prevent the extinction of cultural genes, the governments establish national libraries, which collects books, audiovisual products and various archives by administrative means. Modern technologies such as microphotographs and CDs have greatly improved the ability of human beings to preserve cultural genes, that is, the survival ability of cultural genes has greatly improved. Cultural genes protected by the government have a survival superiority, but unpublished texts, audiovisual products, and web pages are not protected by the government, and most of them are bound to die out.

(2)The Principle of Survival Struggle of Memes:

Fact 1: People have limited capacity to preserve memes;

Fact 2: Cultural genes are replicating and mutating faster and faster;

Conclusion: Most cultural genes will be lost.

(3)The Principle of Generalized Evolutionary of Memes:

Major premise: The cultural gene with superior variations is not easily lost, and the cultural gene with inferior variations is easily lost;

Minor premise: Most cultural genes will be lost;

Conclusion: The cultural gene with inferior variations must be extinct, and the cultural gene with superior variations can be preserved for a long time.